Update the IE patch immediately

Nearly 2 million computers using IE browsers are affected, 10,000 websites infected and spreading malicious code exploiting errors is the number that confuses IE users

Nearly 2 million computers using the IE browser are affected, 10,000 websites infected and spreading malicious code exploiting the error is the number that confuses IE users with a new security error is considered very dangerous.

0-day error stalking Internet Explorer browser

Picture 1 of Update the IE patch immediately
The potential vulnerability in Internet Explorer has been discovered by Microsoft hackers and immediately the exploit code aimed at the IE7 version was quickly inserted into websites with large hits, mostly from China with The main purpose is to steal online game passwords but not except to steal personal data such as financial information, admin password .

The error information has been announced by Secunia security company on December 12, saying the error is very high. Measures such as setting up the Internet and the Local Intranet zone (in IE's Internet Options) at a "high" level are still unable to stop the threat of attack.

Microsoft released a patch

After only a few days when the bug was discovered, Microsoft conducted research and released a patch for IE's "darling", "saving" nearly 2 million computers that were affected by the bug, preventing information theft. individuals include passwords if browsing websites that have been inserted with exploit codes.

Some security experts suggest that users temporarily switch to using other browsers such as Apple Safari, Mozilla FireFox or Opera without being threatened by the above error.

The patch is released by Microsoft for versions of IE5, IE6 and IE7 here or through Microsoft Updates. The patch for IE8 beta 2 will be released shortly.

Update 26 May 2019


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