Train these 7 qualities to overcome all waves

Enthusiasm, curiosity, urgency, motivation, concentration, empathy and calmness are the 7 keys that can help you to overcome all challenges in both work and life.

This article is translated from sharing by Stephen Key - founder of inventRight organization (Glenbrook, Nevada, USA) - the company specializes in training and guiding entrepreneurs to turn ideas into reality.

I believe that what we have done to the world is what we get. When each person spreads the positive and the open, they are more likely to receive that kindness. Of course, inevitably bad things happen unexpectedly. I know that and a simple fact is that every event in life is often out of control.

However, we can completely control the attitude. For a long time, I received many requests for help from startup entrepreneurs. Some lamented about their circumstances, some said they lacked capital and experience. While others are the opposite. They shared with me their excitement about ideas and said they couldn't wait to get started.

After decades of attending meetings with startups and enjoying the joy of witnessing their success, I realized one thing for sure that holding on to a right attitude would help each person defeat the challenge . Can overcome all difficulties? Is not. However, if you lack capital and have not received formal training, it can also help you enter the business field with the confidence of someone who never gives up.

Picture 1 of Train these 7 qualities to overcome all waves

Here are 7 qualities that anyone who wants to venture into the business field needs to practice, according to Stephen Key 's share .

1. Enthusiastic

Surely you have heard this and I will say it again: Enthusiasm is really capable of spreading.If you don't believe in your idea, no one will believe it. Having faith is good but more importantly, maintaining your enthusiasm for your idea is a must. Everyone is always ready to listen to a person who feels excited, optimistic and wants to share his or her story. It is hard to resist it.

2. The curious mind

You always ask why. You crave knowledge. You are not afraid to test new things. You always ask yourself: "Can I do something better?" You read. When someone acts as if they already know everything, anyone wants to give them more information.

Picture 2 of Train these 7 qualities to overcome all waves

3. The rush

The rush means you give yourself some time and efficiency. Always maintaining "urgency" means you are always responsible for all assigned tasks.

If you don't feel rushed, you'll never accomplish anything. If you don't try your best, you'll always think of a reason why you can't do something. Instead, think less and do more . Without timely action, you will miss a lot of opportunities to turn ideas into reality.

4. Motivation

Do what you have to do to move forward. In other words, don't wait until the next morning just to answer an email. Do not delay calling. Please continue! Motivation is as important to your mind as it is at work. If you do not stimulate it, the work will also be affected and you will become more depressed.

5. Focus

What are you trying to achieve and how do you get there? Create a map and follow the instructions to get what you want? Don't be distracted.

Picture 3 of Train these 7 qualities to overcome all waves

6. Empathy

Don't take your eyes off the really important things. Before becoming angry, try putting yourself in someone else's position. You have your own ambition but after all, you are still a person. Nobody wants to be near you if you don't care about others.

7. Calmness

Everything can happen not the way you want. Therefore, learning to calm down before the wind and not overreacting to every situation occurs are two important things throughout life. If you can't control yourself, others won't respect you as much as before. You even make more problems arise and now you will have to fix all those mistakes yourself.

Update 24 May 2019


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