Read this article when you need motivation to live and work
The biggest and most complex obstacle you will have to overcome is your mind. If you can control it, you can overcome everything.
Years ago, there was a time when I was almost deadlocked. I look around and see other people motivate themselves to do simple things by realizing that those things need to be completed. But I do not. For me, motivation is a scary game and only insiders understand the feeling of trying to do some things on their own while the mind doesn't want to. If I win in that game, I'll have to do something I don't really want to do. If I fail, I get closer to ruining the rest of my life. At least that's what I feel. And I never really knew if I would win or lose until the last minute.
The truth is that motivation can only be fleeting, that's why we need to constantly put positive thoughts into thinking on a regular basis. I remember a student who shared with me that:
"I feel exhausted! I am stuck with worry, overwhelmed and disappointed . no more enthusiasm! Do you have any advice? Should I vent all anger at another person Or try to remember how badly I lost my motivation to know how bad the feeling would be? "
And this is the answer that I want to send to this student as well as all of you. These are some very important things that I often look back on every day to foster the process of nurturing my motivation.
Note : This article has been translated from sharing by Marc and Angel on Marc and Angel Hack Life.
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The feeling of frustration is not a heavy thing that can defeat you, that's how you will do everything. You can use suffering, frustration and unfavorableness to motivate yourself rather than feeling uncomfortable. You are controlling the way you look at life and good things appear when you let yourself stay away from negative thoughts.
You always have an option. Negative choices, you will have plenty of reasons to stop and be depressed. Positive choice, you will have plenty of reasons to smile and move forward. Indeed, the most powerful weapon to combat stress and depression is our ability to choose.Train your mind to see good things in everything.
- Simple happiness, just learn how to forget and forgive
One of the most valuable and important moments of that life is the last moment you have the courage to throw away things that cannot be changed. When you stop worrying and complain about things you can't control, you'll have more time to change things you can control. And change everything.
Spending time with people who constantly stop you has never been your biggest concern. I'm sure of that. Because, if you are a person who believes that there is something in you that can help you do what you want - if you want to be different then you can't achieve it by being with people who are always trying. Pull you down "mud puddle".
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Long-term success in life is a combination of competence, motivation and attitude . Competence is what you can do every day. Motivation will determine what you really do every day and ultimately, how the attitude determines how well you accomplish it. Keep in mind this formula and keep checking yourself.
- Train these 7 qualities to overcome all waves
Sitting down and worrying will make creative energy in your people abused. Instead of imagining the worst, imagine the best and how you can make it a reality. Wake up every day and remind yourself that you are what you will do today, not what you say you will do someday. Good things don't come to those who just wait, they come to people who work for meaningful goals.
Imagine the performance and happiness you achieve instead of terrifying the difficulties ahead. Remember, the task ahead of you is never greater than the strength within you. Do the right things, don't choose easy things.As the challenge grows, do it little by little. Even extremely small rituals every day can change things for a long time.
- When life is too difficult, remember these 10 sentences
Efforts are never wasted, even if it results in disappointing results. Because it will make you stronger, learn more and accumulate more experience. Therefore, when life becomes difficult, please be patient and continue. Just because you have trouble doesn't mean you are losing you. Every great success always requires some struggle to be achieved. However, remember, patience is not about waiting, it is the ability to maintain a positive attitude while still working hard to make yourself progress every day and to know that the journey is very valuable. treatment.
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If you still don't believe these things then it's time to reflect them through a lot of real-life examples.
Helen Keller was deaf and blind when she was 19 months old. However, unhappiness does not stop her. She became a deaf person and the first blind earned a Bachelor's degree in art.
Mozart began composing music when he was only 5 years old.
Shirley Temple - 6 years old has become a movie star in the film Bright Eyes.
Anne Frank writes "The Diary of Anne Frank" (Anne Frank's Diary) at 12 years old.
Magnus Carlsen became chess champion at the age of 13.
Nadia Comaneci is a Romanian gymnast who received a 10 and won three gold medals at the Olympics at the age of 14.
Football superstar Pele won the 1958 world cup for the Brazilian team and at that time, he was 17 years old.
John Lennon, 20, and Paul McCartney, 18, when The Beatles held their first concert in 1961.
Beethoven became a piano master at the age of 23.
Isaac Newton wrote The Principia (including the law of motion) at age 24.
Albert Einstein wrote the theory of relativity at 26 years old.
Lance Armstrong was 27 when he won the Tour de France.
JK Rowling is 30 when she completed the first draft of "Harry Potter".
Amelia Earhart was 31 when she became the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic.
Oprah started her Talk Show at 32 years old and it is also one of the most highly rated programs in history.
Martin Luther King Jr. wrote "I Have a Dream" at 34 years old.
Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the Moon at the age of 38.
Mark Twain wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer at the age of 40 and by the age of 49, he wrote Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn).
John F. Kennedy became US president at 43 years old.
Henry Ford is 45 years old when the Ford Model T comes out.
Suzanne Collins wrote The Hunger Games at age 46.
Leonardo Da Vinci painted Mona Lisa at 51 years old.
Dr. Seuss writes "The Cat in the Hat" at 54 years old.
Colonel Sanders succeeded in franchising KFC fried chicken in 61 years.
JRR Tolkien 62 years old when The Lord of the Rings series was published.
Ronald Reagan became US president at 69 years old.
Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa at 76 years old.
It's never too early or too late to become what you want. Today is the first day of your life. You can take the smallest steps to move forward and continue with the path to conquer your dream. Always believe and motivate yourself even when faced with countless challenges.
You should read it
- A story, a letter and a meaningful gift for those who are losing motivation
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- 25 valuable lessons about life from famous movies
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- 15 tips to create self-motivation for everyone can do it
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- The secret to having steel spirit in life
- Train these 7 qualities to overcome all waves
- Living is not merely a survival, enjoy life in a truly meaningful way
- When you fail, remember these 11 statements
- PERMA rules and know-how to have a full life
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