Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

Adding energy and nutrients is an effective way to take care of your brain, improve your memory. A simple way for your brain to receive energy is to use brain supplements. The top food below will be a great suggestion for you. Let's refer to offline!

Adding energy and nutrients is an effective way to take care of your brain, improve your memory. A simple way for your brain to receive energy is to use brain supplements .

The top food below will be a great suggestion for you. Let's refer to offline!

Picture 1 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

1. Sardines

Sardines are a popular food in Europe and America, especially rich in Omega 3. This unsaturated fatty acid plays an important role in the structure of nerve cell structure, which is also a factor. indispensable to ensure the durability of these cell membranes.

Not only that, sardines are also rich in zinc. This trace element is considered good for the brain and works to improve memory .

Today, sardines are often canned and exported to many markets around the world. Fresh sardines can be cooked by smoked or smoked.

Picture 2 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

2. Sentimental sentences

Not only are they able to resist the great oxidation process, they also have the effect of treating mild inflammation.

According to Chinese medicine, the death sentence is sweet, average, possesses the effect of nourishing the liver, eyes and eyes, benefiting from internal heat, typhoid, spermatogenesis, treating the body with weak and strong tendons. core, brain tonic .

This medicine is also considered by modern medicine to work very well with people with memory impairment.

Health experts also petitioned, not only the sentence of death, many other berries such as strawberries, blueberries . also have a positive effect in improving memory.

Picture 3 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

3. Pork

Chinese medicine has the concept of "organ tonic organs", so pig brains are commonly known as a very good food for brain tonic and memory enhancement.

Pork is sweet, average, possesses kidney benefits, brain tonic, bone marrow, master of neurasthenia, forgetfulness, dizziness, dizziness .

Pork usually is processed by the conventional method of water absorption. Users can also add a number of complementary pharmaceuticals such as memorabilia, nostalgia . to enhance brain function.

However, this food contains a lot of cholesterol, and it is not recommended for people with disorders of blood fat, atherosclerosis.

Picture 4 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

4. Types of beans

Glucose is a major source of energy for brain activities. To supplement this energy source, you should consume carbohydrate-rich foods. Along with that, you also need to control your blood sugar at a stable level.

Picture 5 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

Meanwhile, white beans are food that helps us meet both requirements. Not only this kind of bean, but other bean varieties have similar benefits to the brain.

5. Cauliflower

Cauliflower contains vitamins C and E to boost the immune system. Eating plenty of cruciferous vegetables may slow down the nervous system decline. In addition, cauliflower is also a source of vitamin K known for its ability to enhance cognitive function and enhance intelligence.

Picture 6 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

6. Salmon

The omega fats found in salmon have been shown to increase brain growth, improve structure and reduce brain inflammation.

Picture 7 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

7. Preparing products from millet seeds

There are many vitamins B1, B2 and protein in millet. Studies show that eating millet-based foods can prevent arteriosclerosis, anti-aging, and glutamic acid in millet also enhances memory. In addition, millet porridge helps diuretic, kidney supplement, prevent gallstones, stomach pain and diabetes. Roasted millet also helps cure diarrhea and dysentery.

Picture 8 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

8. Needles

Needles mushroom has 16 types of amino acids including 8 essential for human body, including many lysine and zinc to help memory and mental development of children, so called 'mushroom of pleasure'.

In addition, because it contains a lot of potassium, it is very suitable for people with hypertension and prevention of stroke. Regularly eating acupuncture needles can prevent and treat liver disease, stomach ulcers, anti-fatigue effect, increase resistance, fight against inflammation, excrete heavy metals from the body .

Picture 9 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

9. Wu

In corn contains very rich linoleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids, which protect blood vessels and the brain. In particular, eating corn also helps promote the metabolism of brain cells, preventing brain function decline, making the brain healthier.

Picture 10 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

10. Eggs

Eggs contain a large amount of choline to enhance memory , proteins that help strengthen muscles and lutein - a natural antioxidant - help your eyes stay healthy, especially when you work a lot with the screen. computer picture.

Picture 11 of Top brain tonic foods to enhance memory should not be ignored

The top 10 foods above are extremely easy to find and easy to process. In addition, you can refer to and combine some functional foods to support the brain to bring the highest efficiency.

Tell you some functional foods that help brain tonic and enhance memory

1. Blackmores Ginkgoforte functional food - Reference price: 426,000 VND.

2. Health-protective food Super Ginkgo Solgar - Reference price: VND 790,000.

3. Nobel mind of Thai Duong (Box of 45 members) - Reference price: VND 299,000.

Hopefully this article will bring useful information to help you take good care of your brain. If you need to buy memory enhancement products, please contact us immediately for advice:

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Update 24 May 2019


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