10 tips to strengthen memory and brain in the elderly
Years ago, scientists thought that as we age, our brains lose their agility, memory and ability to function. For many decades, this theory was considered true. We accept that as normal for the elderly and make no effort to strengthen the brain. We simply allow the decline of cognitive abilities to progress without interfering.
However, many recent studies have demonstrated that the aging brain can still continue to function actively and effectively. Certain factors like nutrition, exercise, memory training and cognitive activity can actually increase brain power, fight dementia and improve cognitive abilities in the elderly.
In a 2018 study at the BrainHealth Center at the University of Texas in Dallas, 57 adults between the ages of 56 and 71 were categorized into three groups: the cognitive training group, the exercise control group, and the internal control group. waiting list.
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After 12 weeks, the researchers found that the brains of the cognitive training participants were more energy efficient. This means that their brains don't have to work too hard to perform a task.
Cognitive training strategies include: how to focus on the most relevant information and screen for less relevant information; methods of continuously synthesizing information in everyday life to encourage deeper thinking; methods that inspire innovative thinking by creating diverse interpretations, solutions and perspectives.
When the participants performed high-speed tasks on a computer, the researchers tested all three groups using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Results taken in the first, middle, and late phases of the study showed that cognitive training improved speed-related nerve activity. "The search for a non-pharmacological intervention that could help the aging brain function like a younger brain is a welcome finding that could potentially broaden the understanding of methodologists." increased longevity and brain health ", Senior Life quoted Dr. Michael Motes, senior research scientist at the BrainHealth Center, one of the study's lead authors.
BrainHealth Center is a research institute specializing in brain health, combining brain research with clinical interventions. The Center belongs to the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences of the University of Texas in Dallas (USA).
As we age, our cognitive skills often decline partly. Studies have suggested a number of things you can do to strengthen your brain and maintain a resilient memory.
Based on this medical advice, please read genk.vn to explore five doses of brain stimulant drugs that anyone can follow.
Here are 10 tips to boost brain power and memory.
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1. Play fun games
Memory exercises for dear elders must not be boring! Offer games, memory exercises that require judgment and challenge.
Games can be an important form of cognitive training for the elderly. Card games like canasta or bridge game, board game like chess provide brain-boosting power by stimulating high level functions in certain brain regions.
A board game or board game is a game where the pieces are moved or arranged according to the rules of the game.
Playing games with others provides valuable social interaction while stimulating memory and brain activity. Here are some great games to help older people have fun while boosting cognitive abilities.
2. Solve the crossword
Crossword puzzle is an engaging intellectual game. The reason is that, basically, crosswords are a memory problem that requires players to use their recall ability to find the right word. Crosswords also help the elderly improve their association, as they need to find words that match both clues and given boxes.
3. Sudoku
In addition to improving concentration power, Sudoku number tiles can increase your memory as you will have to remember the positions of other numbers. In addition, completing a number box also gives you a sense of success, a much-needed mental state.
4. Scrabble
Research shows that playing Scrabble (a puzzle board game) reduces blood pressure, improves memory functions, and promotes a feeling of overall happiness. In addition, silly words will bring laughter, the interaction will release endorphins to make participants happier and lift their spirits.
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5. Chess
A large amount of research has proven the benefits of this popular strategy game. Accordingly, since chess is a brain-stimulating activity, anyone over the age of 75 playing chess is less likely to suffer from mental illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer's.
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6. Jigsaw puzzles
Finding and connecting the right two pieces of the puzzle, according to one study, releases dopamine, the hormone associated with happiness, and improves feelings of overall well-being. In addition, this neurotransmitter, called dopamine, can also help raise concentration levels. And puzzles will improve your short-term memory as well.
Short-term memory is remembering what you have just heard, seen or experienced, for example remember the name and phone number of the person you just called, remembering foods eaten during breakfast. today.
7. Social interaction
Social interaction is a great way to increase your brain power and memory usage.
Connecting stories and learning from others will make us remember and ask questions. These continuous memory exercises will stimulate brain functions.
Interacting with younger people is always a stimulating exercise. Having grandchildren and grandchildren regularly socializing with grandparents is a great way to pass on the wisdom of their predecessors.
Children can both play recurring puzzles or games while having fun helping family members strengthen their brains.
Studies also recommend outdoor social interactions, for example interacting with and making friends with other seniors at health care centers, senior activities, seniors' associations etc. .
8. Diary
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Encourage your seniors to start a daily journal. Journaling are great memory exercises that help stimulate thinking, improve your memory and boost your cognitive function.
Many older people have a rich memory of experiences and events that we can help evoke. People who have trouble writing can speak and record their diary entries.
A journal is also used to record daily interactions and plan for the future. This not only improves your memory, but also improves planning and forecasting skills. Both of these skills are essential to boost brain power and combat dementia in the elderly.
9. Nutrition
Correct nutrition is important, especially a diet rich in antioxidants. Fresh fruits and vegetables help provide what is rejected by the system or other parts of the body.
A study sponsored by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that eating green leafy vegetables slows the rate of cognitive decline in people 65 and older. Obviously, "getting" plenty of right foods can boost brain power and maintain cognitive activity at a higher level.
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The following foods will help improve brain performance, as suggested in a study from the Population Health Research Institute at McMaster University in Ontario (USA) and Clinical Research Facility HRB Galway (Clinical Research Facility Galway) at National Irish University in Galway, Ireland.
- Salmon. Studies show that eating salmon instead of meat several times a week can slow down the process of mental deterioration. Salmon and other fatty fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are associated with smaller brain volume and poor mental function.
- Walnuts. Walnuts are full of vitamin E. A study by Rush University Medical Center found that people who ate foods high in vitamin E had a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
- Green tea. Green tea contains enzymes, amino acids and vitamins that can help reduce mental fatigue and enhance brain function.
- Egg. Egg yolks are rich in choline, an important nutrient in maintaining memory and communication between brain cells.
- Blueberry. A study by Tufts and USDA found that blueberries improved short-term dementia, reversing some imbalances and coordination.
- Spinach. Spinach is an excellent source of folic acid. Studies show that eating spinach helps prevent dementia, especially in women. Spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and dark green leafy vegetables can all help improve memory.
"A very large-scale study has shown that a healthy lifestyle not only affects longevity and physical health, but also affects cognitive health," said James Becker, professor. professor of psychiatry, neuroscience and psychology at the University of Pittsburgh. "If you eat well, you are sure that your brain will be less stressed. And as a result, your brain will be happier."
10. Exercise
Exercise and movement are very important to the proper functioning of the aging brain. Even just walking every day has both benefits and other obvious health benefits such as lowering blood pressure.
For those whose walking is challenging, spot exercises can be the physical exercise needed to boost brain power and memory.
Some types of exercise that will have health benefits include supplying oxygen to the brain and other organs such as the lungs, heart, blood pressure and general physical condition.
A study done by the University of South Carolina showed that a brain that is physically exercised increases the level of mitochondrial development, meaning brain cells are revived. This means less mental fatigue, more sensitive thinking.
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Mitochondria are a type of photoreceptors in eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are considered the "energy powerhouse of the cell" because it is responsible for converting chemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate, the cell that provides energy for most of the body's activity.
Seniors can participate in these and other favorite activities to boost memory and brain power. All of them help them maintain a higher quality of life and independence, while cultivating self-confidence and self-esteem.
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