Top 10 interesting facts you probably didn't know about Facebook

Facebook is a very familiar social network to users, because of its entertainment and optimization on many devices such as computers, phones, and tablets. Today let the article below learn 10 interesting facts about Facebook!

1. Facebook was originally named Facemash

Facebook originally started as a website called Facemash. Here's a website that compares whose face is more attractive.

However, the project was soon decommissioned, and even Mark Zuckerberg was threatened with expulsion from Harvard University.

Picture 1 of Top 10 interesting facts you probably didn't know about Facebook

2. Like icon of Facebook used to be an Awesome icon

"Like" - Like is a "national" icon on Facebook, it is even used out to use in many real-life chats.

But no one would expect that the first name Facebook engineers gave this logo was "Awesome" - Great, only when Zuckerberg dismissed in 2007 did it have a short and easy to read name. like nowadays.

3. Facebook is a website ranked 3 in the world

How big is Facebook? The answer is sure you can also guess.

According to SimilarWeb 's  rankings , Facebook website is currently second only to the big names Google and  YouTube , surpassing all other social networks with their terrible popularity.

Picture 2 of Top 10 interesting facts you probably didn't know about Facebook

4. Men use Facebook more than women

Do you think women are more likely to use social media? If so then you are wrong, according to  statista  published data, in 2020, the percentage of women using Facebook is 43% and men slightly better, reaching 57%.

5. Every day 350 million photos are posted to Facebook

The huge number of users that bring the content they post to Facebook is also a huge number.

It is known that a total of 250 billion photos have been posted on this social network. If you calculate it, one day Facebook has helped users bring up 350 million photos to share with their friends.

Picture 3 of Top 10 interesting facts you probably didn't know about Facebook

6. Video is the most shared content

With a huge amount of posted photos, the new video is at the top of the list of the most shared content.

On average, each video post will have 89.5 shares, which is significantly higher than other post types.

7. Only half of Facebook users use English

Although English is currently the most popular language in the world, only half of Facebook users speak English. The reason for this is because Facebook supports over 100 different languages, ensuring to serve as diverse needs of users.

Picture 4 of Top 10 interesting facts you probably didn't know about Facebook

8. More than 98% of users use Facebook by phone

It is not difficult to understand when the phone becomes the number 1 device used by netizens to surf Facebook. According to the  source , the figures calculated in October 2020 showed that the overwhelming number was over 98%.

9. Facebook users are online a lot at 8 am and 10 pm

If you have a business campaign or simply want your lovely photos to have lots of likes, please pay attention to the following information.

Facebook users often have the behavior of using social networking Facebook at 2 o'clock in the morning and 10 o'clock at night, so the interaction of these time frames is also higher than the average.

Picture 5 of Top 10 interesting facts you probably didn't know about Facebook

10. Average daily Facebook user 58 minutes / day

It is known that, on average, a user will use Facebook 58 minutes / day. This number depends on the usage habits of different countries and regions.

However, to ensure the health and health of using social networks, you should control your Facebook usage time so that it is reasonable.

Update 20 January 2021


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