Tips to help you handle your child's anger and tantrums in the calmest way

Below are some tips that have been rated by many parents as effective in handling children's anger or tantrums.

Tantrums and tantrums are very common in children between 1 and 3 years old. They are often a way for children to express their emotions. Typical manifestations of this behavior are screaming, banging, and even holding your breath. The reason is that children at this age are not able to express their disappointment verbally. Parents need to take responsibility for solving problems and making children feel safer and calmer.

Below are some tips that have been rated by many parents as effective in handling children's anger or tantrums .

Feel free for children to express their emotions

Picture 1 of Tips to help you handle your child's anger and tantrums in the calmest way

Don't scold children every time they throw a tantrum because this is the most useless method. It's better to calmly sit down and let your child cry and scream freely until they calm down. Once the tantrum passes, your child will feel much better. At that time, your words will be more meaningful. You'll also find yourself calmer and better able to discuss their feelings and what's bothering them with them.


Remove children from situations that make them aggressive

Screaming, crying, and banging their feet on the ground are very different from aggressive behavior where a child may start hitting, biting, or throwing objects. For this type of behavior, you can immediately remove your child from the situation and take him to a quiet place if he is in a public place. If you're at home, you can approach your child and explain in a firm but not angry tone that being so aggressive is not good. Children can be as angry with you as they want, but violent behavior is completely unacceptable.

Draw your child's attention to something else

Picture 2 of Tips to help you handle your child's anger and tantrums in the calmest way

Children often have very short attention spans. That means that what upsets them can be forgotten in just a few seconds. So, if your child wants to buy something at the store but you don't, distract them with something more interesting. You can give your child a favorite object or toy or show him an interesting item in the store. It's best not to compare your child with other children when they are quiet.

Ask your child to sit down in a quiet space and calm down

This is a method used by many preschool teachers. They have a 'relaxation' corner. Design a beautiful, cozy corner in your home with soft cushions on the floor, books, toys and other entertainment lying around. When your child is sad or angry, you can encourage them to sit in that corner and distract them with an activity. For example, if your child likes to draw, you can put a notebook with some crayons there so he can become peaceful faster.


Offer solutions to help children calm down

Picture 3 of Tips to help you handle your child's anger and tantrums in the calmest way

Children often want to do things that adults find really dangerous, but they don't understand that yet. They feel hindered, so they will develop a hostile attitude. Therefore, instead of yelling at your child not to do it, you can come up with another similar way, giving them a new goal. It might be safer than what they really want to do. You can plan this new activity to get them excited.

Above are some tips to help you handle your child's tantrums and anger. Hope the article is useful to you.

Update 16 November 2023


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