Children with anorexia must how to help their babies eat well?
"Child anorexia" is a constant worry of many parents. Especially for children aged 1-4 years old, anorexia situation occurs more commonly.
Understanding that worry, today will help you to answer the question "What should children do?"
What is anorexia? What is the expression of anorexia?
Anorexia is a common eating disorder among young people. This situation often occurs with children aged 1-6 years. According to the research shows that:
- Anorexia is more common in girls than in boys
- Children 3 years old with anorexia, 4-year-old children with anorexia or under 1 year of age are the most common
- Long-term anorexia children may be slower to develop than their peers
- Anorexia may cause malnutrition
- Young anorexia is also often affected by body weight, obsessed with food
- Health problems such as gastrointestinal disorders, anemia, decreased bone density and hormonal imbalance often occur in anorexia children rather than normal children
Here are the most common manifestations of babies considered to be in anorexia period:
- Crying and harassing whenever you see food or eat time.
- Always keep food in your mouth for a long time, refusing to chew or swallow
- Eat less than usual
- Each meal usually lasts for even more hours
- Certainly do not eat some or all foods.
Causes of anorexia status in children
- Influence from bad habits created by parents inadvertently : Some mistakes of parents and grandparents in the process of raising babies such as: Pampering when it is time to eat, eating raw too late . will have adversely affect children. Many children because of these bad habits that lead to anorexia, anorexia.
- Children do not focus when it is time to eat: Typically, having children eat and play, eat and watch TV or phone or eat algae . will also make them unable to concentrate when eating time.
- Time to eat without science: Many families will inevitably force children to eat when they are not hungry, long time this will make them obsessed and gradually do not like meals
- The atmosphere of the meal is always stressful: The shouting, intimidating when the baby does not want to eat, eating slowly will have a negative effect on the psychology of the baby, making the child feel uninterested in the meal.
- Meals are not varied: Repeating food too many times, presenting less attractive or incorrect food will also cause children to reduce their appetite.
- Due to health factors: When children are sick, tired, teething or are suffering from digestive disorders . surely the feeling of eating will be less
- Biological and genetic factors: Families with a history of arthritis, colitis, kidney failure, cirrhosis . will produce babies at higher risk of anorexia. In addition, scientists also said that anorexia status is completely influenced by genetic factors.
What should anorexia child do?
If the child falls into anorexia, surely the parents will be very worried and anxious to find a solution on how to stop anorexia or anorexia children should take medicine? . This is also is the common psychology of parents. So what should we do when an anorexia baby?
First, parents learn how to estimate the calories needed for babies to avoid cramming, forcing children to overeat. This is both not good for a child's health and stresses the child. Calorie intake will vary depending on each child's age, gender and health status.
Then, apply some tips below:
Let me be hungry
Make sure your child is really hungry or you are just turning meals into battles.
According to expert Hoang Cuong admin, "Eat 3 in 1", it is very important to arrange meals and snacks for children. Meals should be spaced about 2-3 hours apart, and should not be fed between children during that time.
In addition, parents should encourage their children to be active, play before every meal time so that calories can be consumed.
Processing attractive dishes more eye-catching
Many families are loyal only to basic processing methods such as cooking porridge, steaming, boiling or mixing all kinds of foods that are considered to be nutritious for children. However, the children also have their own views, such a prolonged eating will make the child no longer interested and feel the taste of the dishes.
Parents should learn a different, more creative, and more interesting way of processing to attract their interest, thereby improving anorexia, anorexia.
Create a happy atmosphere for mealtimes, absolutely do not force children
Do not try to force your child to eat, even if he eats, he will not be able to absorb it if his mood is not good. Let mealtime really comfortable and create excitement for your baby. Parents always remember to leave me hungry before eating.
Encourage your baby to be independent
Stop the situation of trying to force your child to eat by eating algae, watching television, phone . every time when it's time to eat.
Parents should only be companions, instructing small children to eat. Also, learn how to respect your decisions. If your baby is no longer interested, does not want to eat, has enough food . quickly finish meal time and should not last long. Children from 7-9 months, parents were able to let their children discover food by hand loading, from 1 year old can let children get used to the spoon so that they can be more active, more independent every time eat.
Practice for children with habitual movement
Exercise will help your child consume energy and quickly have hunger and appetite. However, please give me a reasonable movement, just right, Mom.
Encourage praise when you try something new
There is a fact that young people love to be praised. Therefore, when your baby tries a new food, or ate all the parental meals, give them praise and encouragement in time.
Some other measures
- For babies over 2 years of age, consult your doctor to be able to periodically remove the worm every 6 months
- Break down your baby's diet
- For older children, parents can exchange menus with their babies, listen to what they want to eat to consider food choices.
- In addition, parents can refer and supplement multivitamins, functional foods to help children have appetite, improve anorexia status.
Prolonged anorexia may cause a baby to gain weight gain, developmental delay, rickets malnutrition, even poor mental development, immune system decline . With the above comments, hope that these Parents will be able to grasp useful information from which to apply and improve anorexia status for their home-grown babies so that they can develop comprehensively and healthier.
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