Tips for playing Darkest Dungeon for beginners

Darkest Dungeon is a brutal roguelike turn-based RPG that keeps gamers' spirits up.

 It has many unique aspects of a dungeon adventure and focuses on collecting things in the dungeon and the near-death encounters that take place continuously.

There are many mechanics appearing in Darkest Dungeon that new players will find strange. In this article, let's learn Darkest Dungeon tips for beginners, help familiarize yourself with the game's mechanics and build the right strategy.

Bring a healer

There aren't many ways to heal in Darkest Dungeon, especially when it comes to combat. Gamers must include a healer on their team in the early game stages. After that, people can experiment a little more with grouping if they are confident and think they can handle it.

Picture 1 of Tips for playing Darkest Dungeon for beginners

For new players, try to save food and put your trust in the healer on the team. It is better for people to keep food around them only when they have plenty of it or really need it. Towards the end of the group preservation phase, work hard on Vestals and Occultists whenever you get the chance.

Keep light levels high

As a general rule, always keep the light level above 75. This makes for better accuracy and easier scouting, especially in dungeons like Darkest Dungeon. As a new player who is new to the game, keeping the light level high will minimize the randomness of the dungeon and will not get detoured.

Picture 2 of Tips for playing Darkest Dungeon for beginners

If the light level drops below 75 then the player is more vulnerable to stress. If the light level drops below 50, the monster's accuracy and damage will increase, and it will be more easily taken by surprise by enemies. Always carry some torches with you at all times.

Choose your hero carefully

At the start, gamers need every hero they can get. However, once back from 1-2 dungeons, it's time to choose who you will bring wisely. This is the time to start thinking about forming a party and paying attention to the skills of each hero.

Picture 3 of Tips for playing Darkest Dungeon for beginners

It is imperative to choose heroes with abilities that match their role. If there is a hero playing the role of a tank, then normally, the player should make sure not to let the character have a superpower that causes their HP to decrease.

Update 18 June 2022


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