5 outstanding scientific discoveries discovered in 2017

In 2017, scientists discovered many interesting things, helping people expand their understanding of the world. With the advancement of scientific technology, the mysteries of mankind will constantly be discovered by humans.

In 2017, scientists discovered many interesting things, helping people expand their understanding of the world. With the advancement of scientific technology, the mysteries of mankind will constantly be discovered by humans.

  1. Discover human limits through 5 senses
  2. 7 future historic space missions of NASA

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Lungs not only help us breathe, but they also create blood.According to research by scientists, mammalian lungs can generally produce more than 10 million platelets per hour, nearly the same as most platelets circulating in the human body.

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Mathematicians claim that,theoretically we can build a time machine thathelps people move to the future or return to the past.The thing that holds people together is that we have not found a material that can bend the space-time structure.

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The most black material Earth called vantablack has been developed by British scientists, which can absorb 99.96% of light.When coating vantablack on anything, it will turn into a black hole .

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Researchers have created a new physical state named time crystal .This is a strange state of matter with repetitive atomic structures in space and time that make them need no energy and still be able to maintain a constant state of oscillation.

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NASA's probe discovered that the Earth is "surrounded" by a layer of "giant artificial protective film" .Human impact has affected the space of the Universe around the Earth, fortunately this effect is beneficial, not harmful.

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