Tips for playing Among Us for Crewmate

Here are a few tips to play Among Us for Crewmate, if you are new to playing or want to know what to do as a member of the crew, please refer to this article.

There are several missions with visual effects, which can prove that you or other players are not impersonators. Because the real Imposter won't be able to perform any of the missions. So watching other people do them is clear evidence of their innocence.

There are many potential mischief games that can happen in every round of Among Us. However, our goals are always the same. Crewmate members must survive long enough to complete their mission in Among Us. 

While the imposter (impostor) to remove one by one without revealing their true identity. The story is quite simple but in it will create thrilling and interesting for everyone involved.

As a member, your strengths are numbers. A fake cannot kill you in front of everyone without revealing his true identity. However, it is difficult to gain the trust of your allies when anyone can be a Fake, especially when you can only communicate with everyone when someone reports if you encounter a corpse.

Currently you can download Among Us on Android and iOS and download Among Us PC free and invite your friends to play. We already have a guide to play Among Us (Impostor) The Pretender and below will be a game tip for the Crewmate.

1. Doubt everyone

To become a good Crewmate in Among Us, the Fake Thief can do the same as the regular members. However, you never know who in that Hazmat suit who is the Fake. So suspecting people will be the way Crewmate did when he first entered the game.

2. Pay attention to other people's movements

Among Us's maps are very small and rooms are often connected by narrow corridors. That's why it's common to run with one or two people. 

However, the Pretender had a slightly unusual way of moving, instead of walking directly to certain rooms to do a quest. They will often change course abruptly.

Picture 1 of Tips for playing Among Us for Crewmate

Specifically if you see someone walking in a certain direction, but then they change direction when you pass by. At that time continue running to another member as soon as possible because it is most likely a fake.

3. Try to deceive the impostor

When you start to suspect someone, you can try to get them to follow you. That way you can walk away from the rest of the party to find the player you suspect is a Faker.

Pay attention to how they react when you approach them. Members often focus on completing quests, often without hesitation when moving from one point to another. Unless they meet someone suspicious. Fake guys don't mind getting close to other characters and can start walking towards you as soon as they see you.

Picture 2 of Tips for playing Among Us for Crewmate

These suggestions require you to play multiple matches to start implementing them. However, if you see someone suspiciously spying around players or acting out of the ordinary, then it is most likely a Thief. In this case, you may want to trigger an Emergency Report just for your own safety and for discussion with other players.

4. Stay close to players who have proven "innocent"

Picture 3 of Tips for playing Among Us for Crewmate

Once you have verified that someone is indeed innocent, you need to be by their side at all costs so that an Imposter cannot catch you.

Update 25 September 2020


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