These 2 interview questions will reveal which candidates have a high emotional intelligence index

Always be careful with employers' psychological attacks.

46% of new employees have to quit their jobs within 18 months of being accepted. 89% is due to the attitude and lack of emotional intelligence (Emotional Intelligence) ranked second in the list of causes that make them "in the middle of the road".

People with low emotional intelligence (Emotional Quotient - EQ) do not understand or know how to control their emotions and certainly cannot "read" other people's feelings. You can easily recognize them when you see someone who is constantly stressed, stressed out every time they encounter difficulties and has not solved their conflicts or those who work inefficiently often negative, or blame, rude, nosy, changing temperament, too sensitive or panic when something happens. These are the first manifestations of low EQ owners.

With a limited time only in an interview, it's hard to assess the candidate's emotional intelligence. However, just put 1 or 2 good questions and understand the signs that a person has a high EQ based on the reactions, you can totally recognize who can experience negative emotions. like anger, doubt, anxiety; who is almost always quick, optimistic, confident, sympathetic or harmonious .

Picture 1 of These 2 interview questions will reveal which candidates have a high emotional intelligence index

It is very interesting that not all jobs require the same level of EQ. Research shows that in certain locations, having a high level of emotional intelligence actually means low productivity. The main factor determining whether EQ has a positive or negative effect on efficiency is called "Emotional Labor" - emotional labor.

Emotional Labor - Emotional labor is understood as an effort to control and adjust emotions in places where employees expect to express emotions as part of their work to achieve the organization's purpose.

Emotional Labor has two types: (1) is the surface expression (Surface Acting) - workers adjust emotions in a positive way due to work requirements but they themselves do not really feel these emotions. . Emotions and behaviors that appear outside are often "fake, acting"; (2) Deep Acting - employees try to adjust their emotions in a positive way based on their previous experiences. Emotions and behaviors that appear outside often have depth and stem from the real feelings of workers.

The concept of "emotional labor" is most clearly reflected in the tourism service industry such as restaurants, hotels, shipping companies ., and there is increasing demand and increasing demand for this group of workers. . In addition, "emotional labor" is also popular in a number of other service sectors such as the health sector (nurses, doctors), retail industry (sales staff), banks (coordinators, transactions). staff, business professionals .), aviation (flight attendant) and education.

Here are 2 interview questions (in the case of open-ended and non-guiding questions) that will help employers to grasp whether or not the potential candidate owns a high EQ index. some actual answers respectively.

Question 1: Tell me about the time you made a mistake at work?

People with low EQ often feel very responsible for their mistakes.

Picture 2 of These 2 interview questions will reveal which candidates have a high emotional intelligence index

It is not a problem for you to make a mistake as long as you receive errors, fix bugs, help others avoid making the same mistakes and continue your work. With this question, a good answer and a bad answer are easy to distinguish.

Answer 1: People have high EQ

"The boss once told me to make a wrong report but before that, no one said anything. After reviewing, I realized that a standard procedure was never issued in text and human form. guide me to write a report that has been done in a way that at that time was no longer applicable in the company, i was very angry and from that moment on, i was always defending myself so i never was reprimanded by wrong another's mistake ".

Answer No. 2: People with low EQ

"The production line had a problem and I paused the whole system to fix it. After a few hours, I successfully rectified the error, but at that time, I learned that one of my partners could I solved this problem very quickly and made sure not to cause too much damage when the system stopped working, I decided to hurry and be overwhelmed by the situation so I didn't make the right choice. When I couldn't think of solutions and found myself limited in terms of expertise, I learned a lot of experiences.

Picture 3 of These 2 interview questions will reveal which candidates have a high emotional intelligence index

Question # 2: Tell me about the time when you received feedback from your boss?

People with emotional intelligence are always self-aware, confident and open. They ignore personal criticisms so they are ready to receive the most "hard to chew" feedback in a positive way. Meanwhile, people with low EQ often feel offended or defensive when receiving such emails. Here are 2 answers to the above question for your reference:

Answer 1: People with low EQ

"The boss took advantage of my" mistake "to send an email with an uncomfortable word about how I behaved. I went to see my boss directly to confront him, but the boss did not give any good evidence. Which shows that I behave impolitely so this problem subsided, I still remember the idea of ​​that task and felt that the boss should have removed it from the evaluation of my performance because there was no basis. whatever. "

Answer No. 2: People with high EQ

"After spending a considerable amount of time preparing for the lecture in the training, the manager said that I was too focused on the details and made the presentation not reach its" reach ". This was very unexpected and, although I felt disappointed, it was valuable information, I was unable to hold the training as planned and decided to cut off the unnecessary parts to be better prepared for the next time. " .

Through listening, the candidates will reveal many things related to their ability to control their emotions. Are they in a hurry to say the first thing that comes to mind or take the time to consider giving the best answer and how it feels in the silence that lasts less than 1 minute?

People with high EQ tend to use emotionally rich words in a positive way while people with low EQ are the opposite. Therefore, to select talent for the company, employers or interviewers should also apply this "psychological tricks" appropriately.

Update 24 May 2019


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