The researchers first obtained the volcano's 'thunder'

In August 2016 and 2017, the Recording Microphone System recorded sounds from volcanoes on Bogoslof Island, part of Alaska's Aleutian Islands. Analyzing the logs shows a strange sound like a volcano's thunder.

For the first time, scientists recorded the sound of volcanic thunder.

In August 2016 and 2017, the Recording Microphone System recorded sounds from volcanoes on Bogoslof Island, part of Alaska's Aleutian Islands. Analyzing the logs shows a strange sound like a volcano's thunder.

Matt Haney, a seismologist at the Alaska Volcanic Observatory in Anchorage, said: 'People near the eruption volcano have seen and heard light rays, sounds like thunder, but this is For the first time we caught it and identified it in scientific data '.

During the eruption of volcanoes, ash, stone, and other extrusion particles collided with each other. Friction generated by millions of small collisions will generate electrostatic electricity strong enough to cause lightning.

Picture 1 of The researchers first obtained the volcano's 'thunder'

Directly measuring lightning inside a volcanic soil layer is difficult, but studying thunder by lightning can provide scientists with new insights about volcanic eruptions.

Jeff Johnson, a geophysicist at Boise State University, who is not involved in recent research, said: "Listening to the sound inside a volcanic soil is not easy and many scientists believe that Identifying volcanic thunder sounds among the many noise sounds of volcanic eruptions is impossible '.

But scientists were able to identify volcanic thunder sounds by comparing recordings with the microphone system, with data made by a network of lightning sensors resulting in major results. better, better.

Update 24 May 2019


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