The perfect plan changed itself within 21 days

If you feel your current life is not good, need to change many things, try to apply the perfect plan to change yourself within 3 weeks (21 days) to see that this life is nothing is not changing.

We often think things are simple, listening to others is great, but to change ourselves we need to act, not just listening. So if you feel your current life is not good, need to change many things, try to apply the perfect plan to change yourself within 3 weeks (21 days) to see that this life Nothing is impossible to change.

Changing in a positive way is not easy to do at all! In everyday life, there are many factors related to certain aspects and each of them contains many other aspects. Dave Brailsford, a British professional cycling team coach - Team Sky thinks that life has countless little things, but we can improve ourselves little by little to make a big change. . He said that through small everyday habits can improve a big change. Small changes make up 1% of the different things: from comfortable seats, the weight of tires to the most comfortable pillows for athletes with rest time has yielded completely impressive results. It took only 3 years for Bralley Wiggins to become the first English winner of the Tour de France ( the world's largest annual bicycle race with millions of spectators, held in France and neighboring countries). ).

Picture 1 of The perfect plan changed itself within 21 days

By using a simple method, the effectiveness of focusing on good habits in life can bring about unexpected improvements within a month. The theory given is simple - every day for 21 consecutive days you will have a small 1% adjustment management on a particular aspect of your life, which will result in the release Develop 21 good habits you can maintain. All these changes are small and easy to implement, only a few years you will see a change in mental and physical health, productivity and quality of life in general. Here is the perfect plan for three weeks to change yourself that you can refer to:

Day 0: Strictly implement a decision now

We all want to start things in the first week or early next month, but you should sit down and set up a clear implementation process, a sure decision to start taking these changes. first tomorrow.

Day 1: Drink some carbonated drinks

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Do you know every Coca can contains 139 calories? Most other sweetened drinks have the same content. A can of soda-containing soft drink is more than two medium sized cups. That means that when drinking two medium sized cups will have less soda when drinking a Coca can, you will be able to reduce more than 150 calories and 40g of sugar a day, slowly but slowly your weight will decrease if still Keep the diet as before. Instead, you should drink more water to avoid spending money to see a doctor.

Day 2: Out and walk for 30-40 minutes

An hour of steady walking will burn 200-300 calories, depending on your weight. In the same exercise, people with heavy weight will burn more calories than low-weight people. This means 30 minutes will burn 100-200 calories. Spending time walking is not too difficult, you can break it down into 2-3 walks about 10-20 minutes each time throughout the day. This in addition to reducing carbonated drinks, you can reduce 250-350 calories a day without changing much.

Day 3: Eat a salad plate before lunch and dinner

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Fiber in vegetables not only helps you get more micronutrients, but also helps you feel fuller so you can't eat too much unhealthy foods and high calorie content. It seems that Vietnamese people are still not in the habit of eating salad, it doesn't have to be fancy like Russian salad or the cooking programs you usually see. Just a few lettuce leaves, a tomato, cucumber, vinegar or olive oil and salt, you already have a delicious fresh salad. In addition, you do not need to replace normal meals with salad, just eat a sufficient amount of salad every day, lots of vegetables and do not add anything except some spices and olive oil before lunch and dinner.

Day 4: Read 10 to 20 pages of books every day

Many studies prove that reading is not only beneficial for psychology but also for mental health . And yet, it also makes you more bold and expand your horizons of thinking and knowledge. Even if you read very slowly, it takes only 30-60 minutes to read 10-20 pages of books. Do it every day and at least you'll read 1-2 books a month.

Day 5: Exercise

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Exercise does not require anything beyond the will and takes 20-30 minutes a day. You can exercise 2-3 times a week to exercise, have a sexy body and improve confidence.

Day 6: Warm up, stretch muscles in the morning

Spending about 3-5 minutes of jumping rope or stretching your muscles before getting out of bed is a great way to start your joints and make your heart beat. Next, you can calm down for 10-15 minutes and do exercise in the morning. Stretching the body offers many health benefits and is easy to do.

Day 7: Spend 30 minutes each day learning new skills

There are many skills you wish you had right now. Whether related to work or not, common skills can be applied to many things such as group management or conflict resolution, we should all learn. By taking 30 minutes a day to learn new skills, you can learn the basics and goodness after only a few months.

Day 8: Replace snacks with fruits and nuts

We often eat snacks many times a day because we feel hungry, sad or simply feel bored. Next time you feel craving for snacks, choose an apple, a banana, a cup of yogurt, a pistachio or almonds. Nuts can reduce cholesterol levels and reduce cardiovascular risk, while berries are antioxidant and many fruits contain vitamins, minerals and fiber. It's a healthy snack and gives you a longer feeling of fullness.

Day 9: Add vitamin D and fish oil

Picture 5 of The perfect plan changed itself within 21 days

Fish oil is a natural source of nutritious food that we often forget when we grow up. Life will be more perfect when we can provide all the nutrients our body needs. Most people often lack omega-3 fatty acids in their diets - these make the heart healthy, smooth and smooth and clear. Inadequate sunshine limits vitamin D production to maintain bone density and testoterone levels in the body. These supplements are relatively cheap and are more healthful than drugs.

Day 10: Use moisturizer after bathing, shaving or washing your face

Keeping your skin soft, smooth and elastic can be the key to helping you stay young even when you get older. Many people, especially men, do not use moisturizers on a regular basis, meaning that after washing, your skin will become dry and even become flaky, less soft and smooth. The use of daily moisturizer will ensure the skin becomes fresh, soft and maintained over many years.

Day 11: Perform 10-15 minutes of jogging / cycling / jumping rope every day

If you maintain the changes you have made, you should walk a little more, stretch your body and do some short exercise sessions during the week. However, to ensure cardiovascular health you need to raise your heart rate and keep it in a high state for a period of time, it doesn't need to be too accurate, as long as running, cycling or jumping rope for about 10 minutes In 2-3 days / week, you will significantly reduce your risk of heart disease.

Day 12: Brush your teeth and floss the night before going to bed

An important part that is often overlooked for overall health is dental health. Cavities can cause many problems, especially pain and cost a lot to fix when things are too late. Food that sticks to teeth after eating and bacteria will destroy, erode teeth in the night if you forget to brush your teeth and floss before bed. With this simple habit, you will have a much nicer smile.

Day 13: Listen to relaxing music and do breathing exercises within 10 minutes after work

Picture 6 of The perfect plan changed itself within 21 days

Time to leave and return home is a time to change the mental state from busy, stressed to relaxed and relaxed. Music is a perfect way to relieve stress, combining several breathing exercises that can help you relax your body and your mind quickly. Only 10 minutes with this relaxation therapy, every day you will feel more peaceful and happy.

Day 14: Do something new outside your own safety zone

The best thing to develop and improve yourself is to step outside your own safety boundaries. You can't do everything at the same time, but doing some small things that make you uncomfortable like: talking in public, singing, dancing, drawing, speaking . every week will help you. relax more and overcome fear. Focus on one thing until you feel comfortable, then move on to something else.

Day 15: Start a conversation with at least one stranger each week

Everyday life will repeat and make us feel boring and even tasteless. Talking to strangers while queuing or sitting at a café can help you become happier. Talking, connecting with others will make boredom disappear so let yourself share your frustration and get a smile from a stranger. Getting a conversation with a stranger any week will bring many interesting things to your life.

Day 16: Relax and massage your muscles for 5 minutes before going to bed

Loosening is the best way to massage the body and touch all muscles. According to a report by Myofascial, relaxing muscles will relieve aches and pains, improve flexibility and make you more comfortable. Do it a few minutes before exercising or going to bed to help your body relax and prepare for sleep.

Day 17: Watch TED videos for 15-20 minutes daily

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The full TED conversations on every topic you care about will inspire you, deepen your thoughts like reading - help open your mind. Learn different topics, increase knowledge in the area you care about, although you don't realize it, but the truth is that this knowledge will evolve over time; Help you become the expert in that field most naturally.

Day 18: Learn body language and do it yourself every day

Spend about 1-2 hours on weekends to learn about body language and try to improve yourself at a time of the day. To have a confident and powerful body language, you need to avoid mistakes and read other people's thoughts. Learn body language, you will feel confident, assertive and know who likes or dislikes you by observing small body gestures. Barbara and Alan Pease's " The Definitive Book of Body Language " book is suitable for you.

Day 19: Take your partner to a beautiful place on the weekend or a sweet evening

Maintaining a good relationship is very important in the era of technological and busy technology. Spend a day of the week or just a day from 1-2 weeks if you're busy for the person you love, take them to a sweet place as a reward for both after a long day of stress. If you're single, go out and have fun or get some friends to go along, trying to meet new people. This will help you relieve stress and maintain a close relationship or help yourself overcome your fear of rejection, while also improving your love life.

Day 20: Turn off lights and electronic equipment before going to sleep

Lack of sleep is a common problem in modern society today and can cause negative effects. There are many things that can distract us like computers, phones, tablets, Kindle . but sometimes we don't give ourselves a good night's sleep. Your room needs to be dark when you sleep, not listening to music or watching movies to help you fall asleep. If you create this habit, you will gradually stabilize your sleep from 7-8 hours / day so that your body always feels fully rested, focused and energetic as well as studying.

Day 21: Get rid of the mundane life and spend time retiring

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Spend a day or two a week letting yourself rest, improve your mind and health.Leave behind the daily worries of life , be it suburban weekends, take a scenic view, walk or do anything that makes you feel comfortable and private.

Perseverance and perseverance will win over yourself

If you follow the above suggestions and gradually change your lifestyle within 21 days, you will create good habits to help yourself improve positively about your health, body, productivity, relationships and happiness. It is important to persevere for a long time and gradually improve.

There will definitely be times when you look back and feel surprised by the tremendous impact from this 1% improvement! Let's embark on implementation!

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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