The new DNS service Quad9 helps block malicious domains

Very simple, just change DNS to, malware and phishing will not be able to get into your computer.

GCA - Global Cyber ​​Alliance - an organization that combines government and research organizations to help reduce cybercrime - along with IBM and Packet Clearing House has launched a new Domain Name Service system that helps block Domain names have botnets, phishing attacks, and other types of malicious code, primarily targeting organizations that do not run the DNS blacklist / whitelist service.

Called Quad9 (taken from Internet Protocol, this service is like any other public DNS server (such as Google) except that it will not return if the address is detected. the danger it knows (through 19 feeds). Very simple, just change DNS to, malware and phishing will not be able to get into your computer.

Picture 1 of The new DNS service Quad9 helps block malicious domains

New DNS can help block domains containing malware

This service 'does not record the address of DNS requests - only keep geographic information' to monitor the spread of malicious requests related to domain ', Phil Rettinger, chairman and also COO of GCA said.

Besides the blocked domain, returned with NXDOMAIN information (domain does not exist), the Quad9 also whitelists the never blocked domains, the 'gold list' of never blocked domains like Internet service pages. Famous as Azure or Google, Amazon Web Servies.

The Quad9 updates the threat once or twice a day globally, so it won't have much effect if the malware uses the DNS address to change quickly for C&C. But basically it also protects against phishing attacks, fake domains . Rettinger says GCA is also talking to other popular DNS providers to expand Quad9.

See also: The best and fastest DNS list of Google, VNPT, FPT, Viettel, Singapore

Update 24 May 2019


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