Thanks to AI, it predicts what dogs will look like after 10,000 years

Geneticists in collaboration with veterinarian Ernie Ward at Basepaws, a genetic testing company for pets in California, USA, have made predictions about dogs in the future thanks to artificial intelligence.

Geneticists in collaboration with veterinarian Ernie Ward at Basepaws, a genetic testing company for pets in California, USA, have made predictions about dogs in the future thanks to artificial intelligence.

Based on the input data provided by experts, AI helps create images that simulate what dogs will look like after 10,000 years with two possible scenarios, when global warming becomes more severe. and when the Earth entered the ice age.

Picture 1 of Thanks to AI, it predicts what dogs will look like after 10,000 years

global warming

Changes in global climate make resources scarce, affecting the way people care for and feed dogs. Dogs will lose body mass, so they need less energy and are easier to cool.

Picture 2 of Thanks to AI, it predicts what dogs will look like after 10,000 years

The increase in temperature will also cause dogs to lose hair and even grow larger heads and ears to keep their bodies cool. If the temperature is too high, dogs may become even more nocturnal. If water is scarce, in order to last longer without re-hydrating, dogs can also change their metabolism.

Ice Age

If temperatures drop and the world enters a new ice age, dogs will develop thicker, denser fur to keep warm. It is not certain whether lower temperatures will cause dogs to lose or increase their body size, but it is certain that their body fat will increase and act as a source of stored energy.

Picture 3 of Thanks to AI, it predicts what dogs will look like after 10,000 years

Interestingly, dogs can re-grow what they need to run and hunt, such as stronger muscles. However, in bad cases, dogs can compete with humans for food and shelter.

Update 11 December 2023


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