Blind prophet Vanga and the predictions of disaster came in 3797
There are not many people who believe and predictions about the future from the prophet Vanga, they even claim that it is superstition. But after the predictions of disasters turned out to be 70%, people couldn't help but be afraid of our own future.
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The life of the blind prophet Vanga
Prophet Vanga whose real name is Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova , after she married, changed her name to Vangelia Gushterova. Vanga was born in Strumica, now in the Republic of Maccedonia. As a child, Vanga was a perfectly normal girl. When she was 12 years old, a storm swept her to a far field. When people found her eyes covered with dust and sand, she could not open them. Because the family did not have enough money to heal, her eyes were blinded.
When Vanga was 16 years old, she began to have the ability to " see the future ". That year, she described exactly where her father's sheep was held by the thief. The female prophet said that the glowing ghost appeared a few nights, she constantly dreamed of having a superhuman character come to see her and give her noble mission.
The rumors of Vanga, the fast-paced prophetess in the city, people began to flock to her home. Including King Boris III of Bulgaria, Adolf Hitler fascist. She had anticipated the deaths of family members: her brother, husband and herself.
Shortly before her death, she said there was a 10-year-old blonde girl living in France who would inherit her rich abilities. And in 2009, Vanga's successor, a girl full of features like Vanga was discovered. According to the description, the baby is called Kaede Uber , born in the city of Montpellier in the south of France.
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Famous predictions are associated with the name of Mrs. Vanga
1. Krusk submarine
In 1980, Vanga prophesied: " At the end of this century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be underwater, and the whole world will mourn over it ." 20 years after she made the prophecy, the Russian nuclear submarine called Kursk had a terrible and forever sinking problem on the ocean floor.
2. The outbreak of war
The prophet predicts in 2008, there will be many conflicts in the Indian subcontinent (India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Tibet), in the world of Hindus. Then the assassination of four heads of government will become one of the causes of the outbreak of World War III in 2010 .
3. Prediction of the twin towers terrorist on September 11, 2001
In 1989, the blind prophet said: " Scary! Scary! American twins will fall down after being attacked by iron birds. The wolves will roar in the grove of trees and blood of innocent people will flow " . It seems that this prophecy was fulfilled with the World Trade Center (New York) twin towers collapsed by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.
Twin towers also mean another "twins" or "brothers". Terrorists have controlled all passengers on the plane - " iron birds" - and rushed into the tower. The tree in English means "bush", so this may also refer to the name of the incumbent President of G. Bush.
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4. Russia's revival
In 1988 Vanga drew a large circle in her palm and prophesied about the land of Aries: " Russia will once again become a great empire, a spiritual support for the whole world. However, it takes a long time. when the number 8 appears and there are signs about the Earth ". In fact, Russia became a great power and joined the G7 to turn it into a G8. And now Russia has an important role in the process of preserving world peace.
5. Migration crisis in Europe
" A lot of people suffer. Misfortune will come from everywhere, touch all the nations . People will go barefoot, no shoes, no clothes, no fuel, no light . ".
Vanga's prediction made people think of the biggest migration crisis that has been taking place in Europe for decades.
6. The growing resurgence of IS rebels
In 1978, the prophet predicted: " It will be a time of tribulation. People will divide according to religious characteristics . Syria will collapse at the foot of the victor, but the victor will be the one unworthy.". Is this a prediction for the emergence of the Islamic State (IS) force?
According to Vanga's prediction, "by 2043, Muslims will own Europe . "
The prophecies of Mrs. Vanga until more than 1,000 years later, from 2016 to . 3797.
2016 - Europe is almost uninhabited.
2018 - China will become a new world power. Developed countries will become exploiters of other countries from the exploitation of mineral resources.
2023 - Earth's orbit changes.
2025 - A small number of people migrate to Europe.
2028 - Humans will create a new energy source, control fusion reactions and famine is gradually overcome. Also during this time, the manned spacecraft will first land on Venus.
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2033 - The ice in the polar regions will melt. The water level in the Pacific Ocean will rise.
2043 - The world economy developed very prosperously. Muslims will rule the whole of Europe.
2046 - Any organ in the human body can be transplanted. The replacement of organs in the body will become one of the most effective healing methods.
2066 - During the attack on Rome by Muslims, the United States will take advantage of a new type of weapon - the weather weapon. During this time, the sky suddenly turned cold
2076 - Non-class society or communism is formed.
2084 - Humans will restore nature.
2088 - A strange disease "aging in seconds" appears. Year 2097 - This terrible aging disease will spread globally.
Year 2100 - Humans will create artificial suns that illuminate the dark part of the earth.
2123 - wars between small countries will occur.
2125 - In Hungary, people will receive strange signals from the universe. At the same time, humans once again remembered the prophetess Vanga.
2130 - Many lands will be flooded with water.
2164 - People will turn into a horror animal (half human, half animal)
2167 - New religion appeared.
2170 - A prolonged drought occurred on Earth.
2187 - The world's two largest craters will stop the lava eruption process.
2195 - The countries along the coast will become well-off both in energy and in food.
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2196 - Asians and Europeans will live together
Year 2201 - The process of fusion on the Sun will cease and begin the cooling period.
2221 - In the process of searching for extraterrestrial life, humans will have a scary encounter.
2256 - Spacecraft carries a terrible disease about Earth.
2262 - The orbits of the planets gradually change. Also this time, the Comet will threaten the survival of Mars.
Year 2271 - The physical constants are again changed.
2273 - There is a disturbance among the colored races: yellow skin, white skin and black skin. Then will appear the new race.
2279 - Humans will take energy from vacuum or black holes.
Year 2288 - Occurrence of collisions with aliens.
2302 - Discover the new law and secret of the universe.
2304 - Discovering the secret of the Moon
2341 - An extremely dangerous celestial body appears near the Earth.
2354 - One of the artificial suns is broken, resulting in a long drought.
2378 - New tribes quickly formed.
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2480 - Two artificial suns collided, Earth fell into turmoil.
Year 3005 - Emerging new "wars" on Mars, the orbits of the planets are disturbed.
Year 3010 - The comet will hit the Moon, around Earth at this time a belt of rock and dust appears.
3797 - This is the end of life on Earth. This time is also the basis for humanity to start a new life on another "solar system". Finally ended.
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