Stop exercising for a long time, what will your body do?

Your body will experience many 'bad' changes if your exercise is stalled.

Regular and regular exercise brings a lot of health benefits, which is not much controversy. However, because of boredom or laziness, you stop exercising, exercising your body for a long time. This is really bad, because it will cause the body to suffer a lot of consequences from this.

Stopping exercise not only causes your health to deteriorate, but your inactive muscles also gradually lose strength, weak muscles see and muscle fades over time. This change will take place slowly over a few weeks to a month.

Picture 1 of Stop exercising for a long time, what will your body do?

If your workout is regular, suddenly you take 1-2 days, this will cause your blood pressure to rise. According to scientists, to adapt to a new habit, our bodies need 2 weeks to start adapting to new habits.

Besides blood pressure, our blood sugar levels also increase when we stop exercising. According to the researchers, when you exercise, muscle tissue will "consume" the amount of sugar from the food that the body receives.

Explaining the cause, sports biologist Stacy Sims said: When our bodies stop or stop sport, muscle cells convert oxygen into energy. At this time, both muscle strength and muscle mass were significantly reduced.

Picture 2 of Stop exercising for a long time, what will your body do?

In addition, the most haunting fear for many people is that the body is gaining weight, obesity, and physical weakness. When the body stops exercising, the amount of calories and fat accumulated from the daily food is not consumed, it gradually accumulates in the body, causing the body to gain weight, obesity.

Researchers point out that, after stopping exercise for three to five weeks, tissues and muscles will gradually weaken and shrink, giving way to faster adipose tissue.

In addition to health problems, people's moods and emotions gradually become negative. Being sedentary causes less oxygen to be pumped into the brain, making you more likely to become tired, uncomfortable and difficult to concentrate, and with your increasingly fat body, makes you more irritable than usual.

Picture 3 of Stop exercising for a long time, what will your body do?

These are the basic effects that the body faces if you give up exercise, physical training. So instead of spending a lot of time sitting in one place. Try to maintain a habit of movement. If you stop exercising, your body will weaken faster than you think.

Update 24 May 2019


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