Some simple stress relief and eye relaxation exercises

Sitting in front of the computer for a long time will not only affect the spine and nervous system but the eyes will also affect quite a lot. Instead of sitting for hours in front of the computer, why don't you try to relax and relieve your stress with your exercises ...

Sitting in front of the computer for a long time will not only affect the spine and nervous system but the eyes will also affect quite a lot. Instead of sitting in one place and using the computer for hours on end, you should stand up to relax yourself or do simple exercises. Previously, we introduced you to basic exercises to reduce fatigue when sitting in front of a computer.

In this article, Network Administrator will provide you with useful information to reduce stress for the eyes, after a long time looking at the computer. The following exercises are extremely simple, helping you to protect your eyes' health during your time in front of your computer.

1. Breathing exercises

Our brain is small but uses 20% of the body's oxygen. When fatigue means that the amount of oxygen in the brain is low, you need to take 3 - 5 deep breaths.

The best way to breathe is to bring the air down to the lower abdomen (knit filling), inhale deeply into the abdomen to the fullest extent and exhale through the mouth slowly, holding the abdomen out. You can use the breathing method of yoga or meditation. When breathing best, keep your mind empty to focus your full attention on your lower abdomen.

Picture 1 of Some simple stress relief and eye relaxation exercises

Most of you with eye problems have difficulty breathing in the above procedure. You breathe in the belly and breathe out the belly. This causes the brain to lack oxygen to provide enough energy for the eyes to lead to weak eyes . and many people who have experienced it when they practice yoga or eye meditation they light up gradually. The problem is time .

2. Relax your eyes with eye-rolling operation

Rub your hot hands together, close your fingers and place your right external finger over the left fingers then place your palms on your eyes. Two eyes closed slightly. Doing this will help the blood vessels around the eyes to open to bring energy to the eyes to reduce eye strain. At the same time, softening the muscles around the eyes helps the muscles to stretch and help adjust the eyeball to the right position .

Picture 2 of Some simple stress relief and eye relaxation exercises

3. Massage for eyes to reduce fatigue

Gently massage around the eye area that spreads to the head to activate better circulation circuits that carry energy to the eye / brain. This movement also softens the muscles around the eyes, helping the muscles to relax to help adjust the eyeball to the right position.

Picture 3 of Some simple stress relief and eye relaxation exercises

4. Apply hot and cold towels

After a hard working day, soak the towel in hot water and then cover it with your eyes closed slightly. When the towel is hot, dip the towel in cold ice and apply it to the eyes. This helps the eyes and eye muscles to relax completely and regains the energy for the eyes very well.

This movement also softens the muscles around the eyes, which helps the muscles to expand and adjust the eyeball to the right position.

Picture 4 of Some simple stress relief and eye relaxation exercises

Moreover, if your eyes have dark circles, eyelids are convulsed and myopia is near the eye, eyes are blurred (due to fatigue, stress). You only need to cover 1-2 times the dark circles. Continuous infusion for 3 - 7 days will no longer be swollen eyelid.

When the eyelid twitches and the eyes fade suddenly - fake myopia (due to fatigue, stress) you can also apply this eye patch. You will feel your eyes healthy and bright after just once applying this hot towel.

Before applying a small amount of salt water to the eye, the result is better.

5. Practice looking close - far

Let the muscles not degenerate: after about 20 minutes, pay attention to the book / screen near you, take 1 minute to look far away and vice versa. It's best to look closely at the green tree.

6. Blink often / close your eyes to rest

If you have eye problems or dry eyes, when you blink, your eyes will release tears to help your eyes get brighter.

Picture 5 of Some simple stress relief and eye relaxation exercises

Besides, you should also regularly drink water to help your brain work better, help reduce fatigue. Eye massage exercises don't take you much time, remember them and do it all the time to keep your eyes healthy.

Video introduction 7 small exercises to increase "health" for the eyes

Refer to the following articles:

  1. 10 habits, hobbies that help you be smarter every day
  1. 8 extremely bad habits in the morning make you tired all day
  1. 8 habits to destroy the six-pack abdomen super fast

Wish you and your family healthy!

Update 24 May 2019


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