Yoga exercises help increase height effectively

Not only relying on nutrition, exercising properly also increases effective height. Here are 12 yoga exercises to help develop height if persistent practice every day.

Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)

This is a very common posture in yoga affecting the muscles, relaxes muscles, bones, joints. Regular exercise will contribute to increasing flexibility and flexibility of the body as well as increase height quickly.

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  1. - Lie face down on the floor. Extend your legs straight on the floor so that your toes touch the ground. Two hands relax the sides.
  2. - Place your palms on the floor near chest. Press your thighs and hips close to the ground, using your hands to slowly lift your upper body up.
  3. - Keep pushing your body up to stretch your back and chest. Pull shoulders back and hold hips tightly.
  4. - Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds. Then relax your whole body and repeat the movement a few times.


2. Posture of rolling

The curled up posture stretches the lower back and lower thigh, thus increasing the height effectively. Moreover, regular exercise also helps the lower back and lower thighs, regulating the activity of the digestive system to help absorb nutrients better.

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  1. - Lie on your back on the carpet, folded at both ends. Put your arms around your knees and breathe in.
  2. - Hold your knees so that you press on your stomach and exhale slowly.
  3. - Spread your legs away from your stomach and continue to inhale.
  4. - Breathe out gently and bend your knees toward your abdomen.
  5. - Repeat the movement 5 times.


3. Posture of sitting forward (Paschimottanasana)

This posture has the effect of improving the nervous system, relaxing the body. Besides, it also has an effect on the spine bone, increasing the effective height.

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  1. - Sit upright with your thighs on your calves. Kneel, knees close together.
  2. - Slowly bend forward, your hands touching the floor. Take a deep breath and lower your face to the floor.
  3. - Exhale then hold position for 3 to 5 seconds.


4. Posture against the wall

This is a simple pose that relaxes your legs and back, enabling the lungs to receive more oxygen. In addition, for those who have to stand a lot, walk too much during the day, raising their legs will help relax and reduce foot fatigue effectively.

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  1. - Lying face to the wall, raise your legs up like a banana tree on the lower limb. From butt to heel lean against the wall.
  2. - Extend your arms to the sides. Hold the pose for about 1-2 minutes.
  3. - You can use a pillow height close to the wall, buttocks on the pillow to make it easier.
  4. - When lowering your foot, pay attention to your legs, bend your knees, bend and head up in a tight hug, then relax and lie down for a while before sitting up.


5. Three-legged Dog

Three-legged dog yoga is a variation of the face-down dog. This action increases the efficiency of blood circulation to the body, promoting fat loss in the third round. Besides, it also helps to stretch the leg joints, increasing height effectively.

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  1. - Start to look like your dog face down, his hands on the ground. Hips perpendicular to the ground and keep your back straight.
  2. - Support your hands on the floor, slowly raise one leg to the sky vertically.
  3. - Try to keep your hips intact, not leaning for 15 to 30 seconds depending on ability.
  4. - Lower your leg and repeat the pose with the other leg. Perform 4 to 6 times per leg.

6. Posture of extended arms (Extended side angle)

This Yoga move affects the waist, leg muscles, thereby helping to extend the hips and calves. Besides, practicing extended arm posture also helps improve digestive function and reduce stress.

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  1. - Stand up straight, spread your legs. Keep straight from knee to right ankle, lower right thigh parallel to the ground.
  2. - Extend your left arm, stretching as hard as you can. Note that the left hand with the left foot is a straight line.
  3. - Hold this motion for 15 to 30 seconds and then switch sides, Perform 4 to 6 times on each side.

7) Pose Posture or Paschimottanasana

This yoga movement makes the breath circulate. Thereby helping to tone the muscles and massages the internal organs, helping blood flow more easily. Besides, this posture also helps increase the flexibility of the back vertebrae and increase the height effectively.

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  1. - Sit down on the floor and straighten your legs.
  2. - Slowly exhale and lean forward slowly.
  3. - Keep your knees straight and touch with your fingers.
  4. - Keep holding your back straight and resting your head on your knee.
  5. - Breathe evenly and hold in this position for 15 to 30 seconds.
  6. - Repeat the motion over 3 to 5 times.

Note when practicing yoga to increase height effectively:

  1. - Can listen to nature sounds or meditation music when practicing to relax.
  2. - The best time for yoga is in the morning, before eating or after eating about 2 hours.
  3. - Always breathe deeply through your nose when exercising.
  4. - Avoid overtraining, practice according to your ability.
  5. - Combined with a nutritious diet, especially calcium and vitamin D.
  6. - Don't stay up late, get 8 hours of sleep a day.
  7. - Do not smoke, drink alcohol or use other stimulants.
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