Some scientific explanations of extrasensory phenomena

There are still many questions surrounding whether humans really possess extrasensory abilities. Let's learn some scientific explanations about extrasensory phenomena through the article below.

Many studies have shown that many people experience dreams that later come true. Is it just a coincidence or omen? According to scientists, such dreams are manifestations of extrasensory perception in humans.

Unlike the normal abilities that humans have such as hearing, seeing, feeling or tasting, extrasensory perception manifests in many forms and is mainly in the mental aspect and certainly the use of Using spiritual means has benefits in improving health and longevity.

Most elderly people after participating in spiritual activities to improve their emotions and life expectancy are often longer than those who do little or no part. Because of this, scientists have hypothesized the meaning of spiritual activity to prolonging our life. Initially, a research group has determined that there is an extremely complex relationship between spirituality and longevity.

Scientists are still conducting research to find the most accurate answer. Spirituality is open to research and analysis in terms of emotions, body, and intelligence of people to clarify the reasons why spirituality makes people live longer.

Picture 1 of Some scientific explanations of extrasensory phenomena

However, there are also mixed opinions surrounding this special human psychic ability. In the article, TipsMake would like to provide the most basic information about psychic abilities.

1. Types of psychic abilities

Manifestations of psychic abilities are diverse, however, they are all closely related to cognitive and mental issues. Some of the main types of psychic abilities include:

  1. The ability to read other people's minds (aka 'telepathy').
  2. The ability to see events or objects elsewhere.
  3. The ability to foresee the future. The ability to look into the distant past. The ability to communicate with the dead.
  4. The ability to identify information about a person or place by touching an object related to the object of interest.

From the very beginning of the development of human civilization, researchers have been interested in these strange abilities. They group these abilities into a category that goes beyond the normal sensory functions of the body. However, no one has yet come up with a general concept to name these possibilities. It was not until the first half of the 20th century that Duke University professor JB Rhine - one of the leading scientists in the study of paranormal phenomena in the laboratory, gave birth to the concept of 'extrasensory' that we use today.

Those who believe in telepathy also have different views on this possibility. Some people believe that everyone has psychic abilities, however, that ability only suddenly appears in everyone's life. Others believe that only magicians and psychics have this special power. Moreover, it is only when these magicians put themselves in a special spiritual state that psychic abilities appear. The majority of those who believe in the existence of psychics agree with the view that everyone has this ability, however, some people are better at controlling their paranormal abilities than others - and they may become psychics.

There are also many unanswered questions about how psychic abilities work in humans. One explanation that has been widely agreed in the past is that psychics have better brains than others. The type of wave mentioned here is a special type of electromagnetic wave that science has not yet discovered. These waves store a person's memories, images, and if the human brain catches these waves, it will allow grandparents to feel more or less those memories.

This explanation was quite popular at the beginning of the 20th century. However, until now this explanation has been rejected by many people because it is only suitable to explain the ability of telepathy in humans, but not enough. The persuasive reasoning for the remaining possibilities has been presented above. Furthermore, if such an electromagnetic wave exists, what is the reason that this wave can persist for so long in space, from the time the wave is formed until a psychic detects this wave frequency. Experts have not discovered a special part of the human body that receives the signal.

Practice proves that position does not play an important role in the extrasensory process. In other words, even if they are not near the location of the particular wave, psychics can still capture much needed information. That's why there are many cases where psychics forecast remotely by phone, but not at the scene. Therefore, the role of this type of wave should not be necessary. Today, many people believe in scientists' new explanation that extrasensory perception goes beyond the ordinary physical world. It exists in a special space, also known as the spiritual world - a place beyond the boundaries of inherent theories and theorems.

The difference in space and time between the ordinary physical world and the spiritual world allows people to read other people's minds or predict future events in the physical world. .

This interpretation seems to be beyond human understanding of the world. However, those who agree with this explanation think that this argument is very valid. Because, like telepathy, scientists have not been able to clearly explain the life after death or the existence of God. These issues remain unknown to contemporary science.

Although the explanation for the existence of this ability in humans is still not convincing, why do so many people still believe in telepathy? It is due to the existence of so much evidence and reasons that people cannot help but believe in the power of telepathy and use it as a benefit of using psychic means.

2. Believe in psychics

Those who believe in psychics all claim that they or their acquaintances have witnessed or experienced cases of psychic abilities. If one of your dreams comes true, then you must also have psychic abilities. And if you know a story about psychics that you find trustworthy, you will spend a lot of time telling others about this story.

Picture 2 of Some scientific explanations of extrasensory phenomena

No one can deny that there are many examples of people's ability to predict the future or see objects in other places. The terrible sinking of the Titanic is still mentioned in many famous works of art after the ship ended its fateful voyage on April 14, 1912. But it was not until after this tragedy happened that the story of the most luxurious ship wrecked in the open sea was included in literary works.

Since 1898, author Morgan Robertson has written 'Fuility' about the journey across the oceans of the extremely large ship called Titan. On a foggy April night, the ship hit an iceberg and sank, killing hundreds of people. The similarities between the two ships are strikingly similar from the structure to the size, the cause of the sinking and the date of the tragedy. The death toll in both the novel by Morgan Robertson and in the historic shipwreck is very high due to the lack of buoys and lifeboats for passengers. There are also many other stories about human telepathy, many of which are well documented and detailed.

However, in order to convince everyone of the existence of psychic abilities, scientists must provide a lot of other scientific evidence, tested under specific conditions. Because, the previously given evidences take place entirely in free conditions, the whole psychic process is not controlled and closely monitored by scientists.

Since the 1930s, psychologists who have studied spirituality have focused on these specific conditions. JB Rhine - considered the father of psychic research psychology did an experiment on psychics in a fully qualified laboratory. The experiment used a Zener deck (a deck named after the designer Karl Zener himself) consisting of 25 cards with textures. These 25 cards are divided into 5 groups, in each group of cards are printed with the same pattern. He then sums each card of each of these groups together.

Thus, in each group there will now be 5 cards with different textures.
The test method is simple: JBRhine will face down the cards and ask participants to guess which cards in a group are decorated. For each group of cards, the experimenter will have a 1/5 chance to guess correctly. Each correct answer will be awarded 1 point. 5/25 points will be the level of random guessing, or in other words, if guessing randomly, the participant will win 5 points. According to him, with such high precision and rigor, these experiments will give accurate results, preventing any fraud.

The scientific community was surprised, largely skeptical of the results that this scientist made in the results of his 'Psychic Ability' report. According to the results he obtained, most of the participants passed the threshold of 5 points. The method of implementation and the results of this scientist are still controversial.

However, no one can deny his great contributions to the science of human telepathy. After Rhine performed this experiment, many scientists also embarked on many similar experiments using the Zener deck. Not only that, they also got the same positive results as Rhine. Later on, the Zener deck was replaced by pictures of various textures, paintings or photographs.

The experimental method is also more complicated. A participant will be tasked with focusing mentally on a certain photo, then trying to connect the details in the image with another isolated object outside the image. The role of psychics is to try to capture the images or information that the other person is thinking about, and then tell scientists what they see in their heads. At the end of this process, the person will gather all that they see and come to a final conclusion about what the other person was thinking.

Another type of experiment was conducted in the 1970s. The psychic would be blindfolded and brought into a room with only a dim red image. The scientists would then send a person into that room. The task of the psychic is to describe and provide information about the object that has just been brought into the room. Many psychics are unable to produce results, but conversely, there are many who describe information with surprising accuracy and detail. However, because there are many manifestations of extrasensory abilities, researchers also offer different types of experiments. For example, when testing for clairvoyance - the ability to see objects elsewhere that cannot be seen by the naked eye, one only needs to test the psychic without the need for a second person to be involved in the process. test like telepathy.

However, the results obtained are still limited and require the machine to be designed very sophisticatedly and with high accuracy. Scientists who study spirituality have given many examples of extrasensory abilities. However, many skeptics remain unsatisfied with the evidence. In the next section, we'll take a closer look at the views that opponents of telepathy make.

3. Unsatisfied doubts

Despite the overwhelming amount of convincing evidence of psychic abilities over the past 100 years, opponents are adamant that the evidence is unreliable and, therefore, underweight. to prove something. The reason these people give is very simple, it is because these evidences do not match the scientific results that people have found. These examples do not conform to the laws of nature. According to these people, if we take a holistic view of human society with so many important events happening every day, we will understand why some people have accurate dreams about their future. me.

The vast world with more than 7 billion people has witnessed many different stories and events. Throughout a person's life, they will inevitably encounter events that they have imagined or heard about before. That's why so many people believe in psychic abilities.

The chances of many people experiencing premonition dreams like these are even higher if the person has a solid knowledge of the field in which they predict. Invite readers to return to the story of the two ships Titanic and Titan mentioned above. Readers will no longer feel strange knowing that the author Morgan Robertson was once a sailor. He has a very good understanding of how ships work, the risk of ship crashes and possible consequences. Another explanation is that many people have better intuition than the rest.

They also use the same five senses as normal people, however, the way they use their brains to process information is on a higher level. Therefore, the judgments they make are also more accurate. For example, you can tell if a person is lying or not based on their tone of voice, gestures, or facial expressions.

Those who believe in psychic abilities object to the above reasons. In fact, many psychics have never experienced the predictions they make. Only a handful of predictions are relevant to the psychic's real life. But there are many dreams and omens that are not related to the real life of psychics, how will the opponents interpret. Not only that, many of the studies that scientists do are also on the side of those who believe in psychic abilities.

In response to these arguments, those who oppose the existence of psychic abilities have vehemently vetoed the results of psychic scientists.

No matter what the science says, certain people do find benefits of using a psychic, both in person and online.

Psychic readers help find answers to different issues regarding their love life, career, finances and even relationships with pets. If a person does happen to choose to get a psychic reading the important thing is to put in the time and research into finding a legitimate one.

4. Strongly oppose the research results

According to opponents, we cannot fully trust the research results yet. Many external factors can influence these results. Going back to JB Rhine's experiment that we mentioned above, when performing the experiment, it is possible that the psychics guessed the right card by looking at Rhine's body gestures. It is also possible that Rhine already knew the cards and used eye contact to inform the study participants.

Rhine himself later admitted that his method of study was still not absolutely rigorous and the accuracy of the results also decreased. The biggest problem with these experiments is that they are not universally applicable to all psychics. In other words, if two scientists use the same research method but apply it to different psychics, it is likely that their results will also be different. That's because each psychic reaches a different level of telepathy and their psychic abilities are also in different forms. Therefore, we cannot confirm the accuracy of the experiments performed.

Picture 3 of Some scientific explanations of extrasensory phenomena

Many people also believe that the scientific results obtained are unreliable. It is possible that scientists have created these results themselves to support their theories (this has happened with many other sciences). Even honest scientists themselves take a long time to prove their scientific results.

Accusing scientists is a very serious matter, however, those who oppose the existence of telepathy still use this argument. Many are also opposed to live telepathic programs. They try to point out the frauds in these programs. Today, with modern science and technology, creating illusions that deceive the human eye is no longer a difficult thing.

One of the most common methods of fraud is the allusion of relevant facts. To do this, the false psychic will quickly point out something that the listener believes is real. Although this feature is very common, for a short time listeners cannot detect that they have been tricked.

Give an example as follows, the false psychic will assert:

I'm talking to a person in your house whose name starts with H, try to remember if anyone in your house has that name?…

This is the most basic example of this implied method. The psychic only talks around a problem, and then the listener will infer on himself to find the correct one. In other words, it was the blind faith of the listeners that protected the psychics. This is an old but still blinding trick that is believed by quite a few gullible people and is the benefit of using spiritual means.

5. Unending Controversies

Many scientists believe that the views expressed by opponents of the existence of psychic abilities are very beneficial to the public. It is the way they argue against the existence of telepathy that helps the public to have a more thorough and fair view of the existing supernatural phenomena.

One of the leaders in the movement against the existence of telepathy was magician James Randi. He has held seminars on emotional reactions and provided data analysis to explain strange phenomena. He is also the one who announced that he would give $1 million to anyone who could prove the existence of psychic abilities.

Picture 4 of Some scientific explanations of extrasensory phenomena

But the whole process must be closely monitored and tested for reliability. However, to date, no one has won this 1 million USD - this is also one of the reasons for James Randi to veto the existence of telepathy. Some people claimed to be psychics and took part in this challenge, but the only result they received was their reputation being reduced because of their failure to pass the test.

However, in the opinion of many experts, the reason they come up with research results is because of science. They did not participate in James Randi's challenge, because the purpose of science is truth, not money. Those who deny the role of science and blindly associate human psychic abilities with visual distractions have unwittingly hindered the process of uncovering mysteries that contemporary science has not yet solved. likes to float.

After a lot of discussion and controversy, at present we still cannot confirm the existence of psychic abilities. Everyone has their own reasons to justify their point of view. In human history, we have witnessed many phenomena that scientists have to consider, turn over and over and over again to be able to draw a final conclusion. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, humans can explain the supernatural phenomena that still exist.

Update 30 April 2022


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