8 mysterious natural phenomena cannot be explained by science

Let's TipsMake.com discover 8 mysterious natural phenomena that cannot be explained by science below!
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The planet Earth we live in has a lot of strange things. There are some unbelievable things that can happen in many parts of the world, something that makes even the most skeptical people believe in miracles. On the Bright Side page, a list of eight mysterious natural phenomena cannot be explained by science. Invite you to explore!

Gravity Hill, India

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If the vehicle is parked at the base of the gravity hill and standing in the hillside position, the vehicle will start moving up the hill. What is impressive is that an invisible gravity pulls your car up. Science still cannot explain this phenomenon, but some argue that it is an illusion created by a gravitational hill.

Dolmens - Dolmens

(Roknia, Korea, China, India, Israel, Scandinavia, Russia)

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Giant ancient stones form a " table " found in different places on our planet. Archaeologists see them as tombs of ancient priests. Dolmens ( Dolmens - grave made of megaliths (large stones) have only one space, often consisting of at least three standing stones supporting a large, flat, horizontal stone tablet, changing the clock speed and making Other devices operate abnormally.

Eternal fire, America

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A strange waterfall created by nature. The phenomenon of this eternal flame is explained by small cracks that emit natural gas. Sometimes, the fire caught fire and burned itself again. There is even a belief that anyone who sees that fire will meet lots of luck and have many assets.

Frangokastello Castle, Greece

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Crete is known for the only recorded time illusion in the world. Every year, around the end of May, the appearance of armed armed pedestrians and riders from Agios Charalambos monastery to Frangokastello fortress. This phenomenon is observed in the early morning when the sea is silent and the air humidity is high and lasts about 10 minutes. German forces occupying these lands were almost mad with fear and started shooting at illusions.

Tomb of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic

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Legend says the sound of an organ emanating from the Czech tomb. In 1996, scientists recorded them. The tunnel is 30 meters deep and no one room can fit into such a size instrument around. Psychologists have also examined the presence of witnesses to eliminate public psychedelic theory. However, the main phenomenon was found as " Bright Corridor - Shining corridor ". The specimen showed no phosphorus in it. At first glance, this corridor is quite normal, but soon it starts emitting a stream of red orange light.

Stone Forest, China

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Perhaps this is the greatest miracle of this Chinese country. Stone Forest appeared more than 200 million years ago. Before this place was the sea, thick limestone layers formed a large structure. The forces that create rock surfaces. In the deep part of the forest, Qifeng Cave is a really strange place: from August to November, an underground river every 30 minutes creates a vortex that lasts only a few minutes and then dissolves quickly.

5-color river, Colombia

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Most of the time in these five colors is like any other river, only in the summer, this river turns into a colorful carpet. Unique weeds decorate the river red, pink, blue, green and yellow. According to legend, underneath the waterfall is the treasure of La Mojana ( Mother of Water ).

Blood waterfall, Antarctica

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This red waterfall does not freeze even when the temperature is at -10 ° C. Glacier is considered one of the coldest places with flowing water. A group of scientists from Harvard University has demonstrated that " blood waterfall " is the habitat of bacteria that cause this extraordinary natural phenomenon.

See also: Discover the unique, tiny bakery for mice in Sweden

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