10 mysterious ghost phenomena under a scientific perspective
Up to half of the world's population believes in the existence of demons and mysterious stories surrounding it. Scientists have continued to seek answers to the question "Does ghost really exist?". So far, they have explained some of the ghost phenomena that exist in human life.
1. Electrical stimulation of the brain
A lot of healthy people in the world have seen people glide across the eye and immediately disappear. They believe it is the soul of the dead or the devil.
But Swiss scientists have found evidence to explain this mysterious phenomenon. When conducting an electrical stimulation of the left temporal apex of a female patient with epilepsy, the girl said that there was a figure sitting behind and mimicking all her movements.
The reason is that responsible electrical stimulation scientists in the brain area help people identify their sense of self, help recognize the difference between them and others. Then they will imagine the imitators in their heads.
In short, when the brain is unusually active, many healthy and schizophrenic people encounter ghosts and other creatures such as aliens .
2. The effect of unconsciousness
The toilet is a popular spiritual game used by superstitious people to communicate with the soul. Mechanical toilets include an alphabet, numbers and two yes / no and no / no answers. Participants will put their hands on a small piece of heart-shaped wood on the board and read the questions aloud. The soul will respond by moving the piece of wood from letter to letter to make words, although those who put their hands on it confirm that they have not moved the piece of wood.
Michael Faraday, the famous physicist, proved that the piece of wood moving was due to the effect of the unconscious effect, the muscular strength of the participants caused the movement because they expected the wood to be moved. transfer, not created by the soul.
3. Negative waves
Negative waves are sounds with frequencies less than 20Hz, lower than the human hearing threshold. Negative waves are formed from winds, storms, in many devices every day and even from the human body.
People hear sounds in the frequency range from 20Hz to 20,000Hz. People can sense these waves of low-sounding, especially the low-sound waves from their stomachs. It creates a negative or positive feeling like insecurity or fear. When the sonar wave vibrates at a frequency of 19Hz, close to the frequency of the eye movement on the human eye, about 20Hz, resonance will occur that makes people see ghost images that are not real.
People often hear the roar of the wind or the creepy footsteps of houses believed to be haunted. The cause of these mysterious phenomena is that the strong winds blowing into the walls of the house create a negative wave.
4. Automated theory
Communicating with the spiritual world is what people always try to do. There are some people who are said to have special abilities that can connect with the dead. They say that it is possible to hear a mysterious sound from a soul or let the soul "enter" into its body.
Some scientists have explained this phenomenon by "automatism". According to them, these are some changing states of consciousness, when people speak and think things they are not aware of. They adjust themselves, erase thoughts in their heads, ideas, random images that may arise that make them think that these thoughts come from other entities.
5. Cold point
Cold point is a phenomenon when someone is standing in the house when suddenly feel a cold air around. But if the person steps right or left a few steps, the temperature returns to normal. Believers in the supernatural world believe that cold spots appear when ghosts appear in thin air layers. The ghost absorbs heat from the surrounding environment to have visible energy.
According to scientists, that cold air appears through certain windows or openings in the house. Although the room was closed, when a dry mass of air entered the wet room, the low dry air mass would combine with the humid air mass on the ceiling to create a convective vortex. When a person is in the right position, it will feel cooler and that is the cold spot.
6. The camera captures bright spheres that the naked eye cannot see
The bright spheres that appear only in photographs that humans cannot see with their eyes are often thought to be the spirits of the dead.
According to Skeptic researcher Brian Dunning, when a small animal or a particle is too close to the camera, it will appear in the image as a virtual open circle, the effect of the flash light causing the glowing sphere to cause so the mystery and mystery of the photo.
7. CO pollution
In 1921, William Wilmer, an ophthalmologist, published a decrypted article about a home believed to be haunted.
The people living in this house are obsessed with moving objects, door slamming sounds and footsteps in an empty room. All the plants they grow in the house die slowly.
The mystery was deciphered when they discovered that the fireplace was broken, the smoke could not escape, making people living in that house poisoned with carbon momonoside - CO.
CO is an odorless, colorless gas, difficult to detect and more easily absorbed than oxygen. In the absence of long-term oxygen, people will experience symptoms such as fatigue, confusion, nausea, and even hallucinations.
8. The agitation syndrome according to the majority
In June 2013, more than 3,000 workers at a garment factory in Gazipur, Bangladesh went on strike in the hope that someone could do something with the ghost in the toilet. According to them, an angry soul attacked a female worker who scared everyone.
After the order was repeated, the researchers assumed that these workers experienced a psychological phenomenon called mass disorder. The reason is that they are stressed and appear hallucinations due to the pressure of the working environment. But what is remarkable is that the woman thinks that being attacked by the soul does not see anything. She was only sick and said that it was created by the evil spirit.
9. Ion
Ghost hunters often use ion gauges to detect ghosts, because according to them the soul interferes with normal ions in the atmosphere, the appearance of ions is synonymous with the appearance of ghosts .
Ion is produced by solar radiation, all weather phenomena . and positively or negatively affects people's mood. Positive ions can cause people to have headaches or create a bad feeling, negative ions help people feel calm and comfortable. This is the reason that people living in houses that are thought to be haunted feel stressed, tired, and headaches.
10. Quantum mechanics
Stuart Hameroff, Ph.D., director of the Center for Consciousness Research at the University of Azirona, USA and his friend, Roger Penrose, hypothesized that human consciousness comes from a microstructure. tubes in brain cells. These tubes are responsible for quantum processing - the human soul is basically. They believe that, when people experience near-death experiences quantum information leaves the brain but continues to exist. That's why some people think they have escaped the body or seen light at the end of the tunnel.
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