Rich but the technology billionaires still ride 'grass'

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates or Jack Ma, super-rich technology billionaires in the world still choose to use only low-cost models.

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates or Jack Ma, super-rich technology billionaires in the world still choose to use only low-cost models.

1. Mark Zuckerberg

The boss of Facebook owns more than 76 billion dollars of assets and is the 5th richest person in the world. But Mark used only cars that cost less than $ 30,000 like the Acura TSX, Volkswagen hatchback and Honda Fit.

Picture 1 of Rich but the technology billionaires still ride 'grass'

2. Jack Ma

There are about 34.5 billion USD in assets, but up to this point, the founder and CEO Alibaba Group has still pointed out the Roewe RX5, a popular model of domestic origin, for less than 15 thousand USD.

Picture 2 of Rich but the technology billionaires still ride 'grass'

3. Jeff Bezos

Amazon founder and CEO owns 120 billion USD, is currently the richest person in the world. The last time, photographers were Bezos driving a Honda Accord in 2013.

Picture 3 of Rich but the technology billionaires still ride 'grass'

4. Travis Kalanick

Travis Kalanick, the former Uber CEO owns $ 5.3 billion of assets but still retains the 1999 BMW M3 convertible. He didn't even fix anything for his car even though it was damaged.

Picture 4 of Rich but the technology billionaires still ride 'grass'

5. Larry Page and Sergey Brin

The co-founder of Google currently owns assets of 53.5 billion USD and 52.1 billion USD respectively, ranking 10th and 11th in the list of the richest billionaires in the world. Until now, both still drive the Toyota Prius for only $ 23,000.

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6. Richard Branson

Owning $ 4 billion of assets, but the father of multinational venture capital firm Virgin Group still only liked the old 1968 Morris Minor.

Picture 6 of Rich but the technology billionaires still ride 'grass'

7. Steve Ballmer

Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer owns $ 40 billion in assets but still uses a $ 30,000 Ford Fusion Hybrid, which is donated by SYNC carmaker on the occasion of appearing on one million Ford vehicles.

Picture 7 of Rich but the technology billionaires still ride 'grass'

  1. How old are the billionaires in the industry?
  2. Something about Lei Jun, Xiaomi's boss is named 'Chinese Steve Jobs'
Update 12 August 2019


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