How do the richest people in the world like Jeff Bezos 'spend money'?

Jeff Bezos has to spend $ 88,000 to understand the suffering of a normal person when they spend ... $ 1.

According to Business Insider at the present time, Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon is the richest man in the world with a total assets of up to 130 billion USD. For such wealthy people, their main job is not to focus on earning more money but they will have to think about spending money like?

This may cause many people not to believe, but in reality it is true. At a recent event Jeff Bezos shared that finding ways to "deploy such a large financial resource" is much harder than people think.

According to statistics in 2017, Amazon's CEO made $ 107 million a day, with many people admiring and uttering that they had to do it all year to get that money.

How do the richest people in the world like Jeff Bezos 'spend money'? Picture 1How do the richest people in the world like Jeff Bezos 'spend money'? Picture 1

According to Business Insider calculations, the value of 1 USD for a normal person will be equivalent to 1,355 USD for a person with 2 billion USD assets. And with a wealth of $ 130 billion, Jeff Bezos will have to spend $ 88,000 to understand the feeling of a person spending $ 1.

In order to spend this huge amount of money, Bezos often uses it to invest in his favorite businesses, or to finance startups that are useful to society later. Besides, he also spent up to $ 1 billion to invest in his Blue Origin space tourism company.

In addition to business, Jeff Bezos often traveled with his family and vacation. Recently, his wife, Mrs. MacKenzie, planned to let the whole family go out in Norway, where the couple and four children would stay in a hotel made of ice for 3 days, ride a dog and watch Grey Wolf. Trips like this can cost a lot of money, for ordinary people will have to save every month for years to have enough money, but for Bezos, it's just "a few odd coins" among his behemoths.

In addition to traveling, Jeff Bezos used money to refurbish his $ 23 million villa in Washington, DC for $ 12 million - equivalent to 136 "Bezos".

And below are some comparisons between the actual price and the "correlated" price for a person with $ 2 billion in assets (average assets of billionaires in the world) so readers can easily figure content:

How do the richest people in the world like Jeff Bezos 'spend money'? Picture 2How do the richest people in the world like Jeff Bezos 'spend money'? Picture 2

See more:

  1. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos surpassed Bill Gates to become the richest man in the world, updated: has come down again
  2. Started construction of a $ 42 million watch by Jeff Bezos, running for 10 millennia
  3. The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world
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