Remove the software with Geek Uninstaller - Uninstall software thoroughly
Sometimes you want to remove the program that is being installed on your computer, but removing it with the feature of Windows has not been thorough. If you want to find third-party software, you can quickly remove the program on your computer.
Geek Uninstaller software is a comprehensive program uninstaller on your computer completely free, no need to install with a simple interface. Takes up little memory space, especially Geek Uninstaller supports Vietnamese language for you to use more easily.
Geek Uninstaller thoroughly removes data related to the uninstall program, After deleting the file in the installation directory, it will scan your entire system, registry to find leftover components and delete. drop them.
Step 1: You need to download Geek Uninstaller at the homepage
Step 2: Unzip and then run the software because Portable software should not need to be installed. The software interface is as follows:
Remove the software with Geek Uninstaller - Uninstall software thoroughly Picture 1
Step 3: On the software interface, all programs and applications installed on the computer are displayed with the capacity and installation date. You want to remove the program that you choose on the program name and right click, here you will have a number of options:
- Uninstall : remove the program.
- Force Removal : deleted when unable to remove.
- Remove Entry : remove applications in the software, not removed.
- Registry Entry : shortcut to the related keywords of the program in Registry Editor.
- Installation Folder : path to the folder where the program's files have been installed.
Remove the software with Geek Uninstaller - Uninstall software thoroughly Picture 2
In addition to quickly find the program you want to remove, you can use the Type to find a program section under the software to search.
Thus, with a very simple way of uninstalling Geek Uninstaller, you can easily completely remove the programs and applications installed on your computer. Good luck!
You should read it
- How to use Smarty Uninstaller to remove software completely on Windows
- Your Uninstaller - Download Your Uninstaller here.
- Your Uninstaller - Software to thoroughly uninstall applications
- How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows
- Your Uninstaller - Application uninstall software, the best software
- 10+ best free software uninstaller tools
- 5 Best Alternatives to Revo Uninstaller
- How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications
- IObit Uninstaller - Download IObit Uninstaller here
- How to use Your Uninstaller to remove software completely
- How to remove software that is not in Control Panel
- Invite to Revo Uninstaller Pro 3, the software to remove applications like Your Uninstaller for $ 19.99 is free
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