How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows
IObit Uninstaller's user interface is very simple and easy to use to remove software and plugins. The article below will guide you how to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software from your computer.
Instructions for using IObit Uninstaller to remove software
Step 1:
First of all, we install IObit Uninstaller software for the computer.
At the tool interface, click the Install button to proceed with the installation.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 1
Step 2:
During the tool installation process, you will be suggested to install some other software. If you don't like it, click No, thanks then click Next to continue.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 2
Step 3:
Then you wait for the IObit Uninstaller installation process to complete on your computer. Displays the main interface of IObit Uninstaller software. Here you will see an interface with a list of software currently installed on your computer.
Each software will have basic information including capacity and installation date on the software.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 3
Step 4:
In addition, you can also manage the software installed on your computer , filter computers with large capacity, for example, using the menu bar on the left of the interface.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 4
Step 5:
At each installed software, when you hover and click Details, you will see detailed information and software installation location.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 5
To delete the software , right-click and select Uninstall or click the trash can icon. Click on the Uninstall button to remove the software.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 6
Step 6:
The process of uninstalling the software using IObit Uninstaller will take place a day later.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 7
During the uninstallation process, IObit Uninstaller will display redundant files of the software we are uninstalling. Click Delete to agree to completely delete. We continue to perform this operation with other software.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 8
Step 7:
In addition, IObit Uninstaller also has a Software Heath feature to scan junk files that you cannot see. From there you can delete them from your computer.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 9
If there is a problem, you will receive a notification and click Fix to fix it. However, there will be some errors that are only implemented in the Pro version.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 10
Step 8:
IObit Uninstaller also has a Browser Extensions option to manage and remove installed browser extensions.
How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows Picture 11
You should read it
- IObit Uninstaller - Download IObit Uninstaller here
- Offer IObit Uninstaller 7 Pro, the software to remove computer programs for $ 9.99, is free
- 5 Best Alternatives to Revo Uninstaller
- Your Uninstaller - Download Your Uninstaller here.
- The wizard supports installation, removing many software at the same time in Windows
- 10+ best free software uninstaller tools
- How to use Smarty Uninstaller to remove software completely on Windows
- Review IObit Malware Fighter 7 and give you the 100 key Pro version
- How to receive free gifts from IObit with a total value of nearly 150,000 USD
- Remove the software with Geek Uninstaller - Uninstall software thoroughly
- How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications
- Invite to Revo Uninstaller Pro 3, the software to remove applications like Your Uninstaller for $ 19.99 is free
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IObit Uninstaller - Download IObit Uninstaller here
Your Uninstaller - Download Your Uninstaller here.
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