How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications
The process of removing software on a computer is extremely familiar and simple. However, there will be cases where we cannot remove or delete software from the computer. Those types of software or stubborn files cannot be removed in the usual way, but require tricks to remove software that cannot be uninstalled.
One of those ways is to use application uninstallation software like Your Uninstaller. Your Uninstaller will help you completely remove unnecessary software from your computer, including 'stubborn' applications. The article below will guide you how to use Your Uninstaller on your computer.
1. How to use Your Uninstaller to remove software
Step 1:
Click on the link below to download the Your Uninstaller tool to your computer and install.
In the first installation interface, we will be able to choose the data storage folder of Your Uninstaller. If you want to change, click the Browse button. Or don't always click the Next button to continue.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 1
Step 2:
Immediately after that, the installation process of Your Uninstaller will take place quickly.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 2
Step 3:
Open the software after installation is complete. Because we are using the trial version, it will have a validity period of 21 days. If there is a key to use, click Enter Key. Or if not, click Continue to continue.
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Step 4:
The main interface of Your Uninstaller will be all the software and applications that the user is installing and using on the computer.
When you click on any software in the list, you will have detailed information including software name, version used, manufacturer, installation time and capacity for the software.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 4
When you click outside the white interface, you will have more information about the total number of programs installed on your computer, along with the total installation capacity of those software.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 5
Step 5:
Select the software you want to remove on your computer and click on it. Here we will have 3 ways to remove software that the tool provides.
- Uninstall: regular software uninstaller.
- Advanced Uninstall: advanced uninstaller.
- Quick Uninstall: quick application uninstaller.
Here I will choose Uninstall the regular uninstaller.
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Step 6:
Next, the user will choose the software removal mode. According to available suggestions, you should choose Normal Mode . Click the Next button below to continue.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 7
You will then see the interface with software uninstallation processes.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 8
At the same time, the interface to remove the selected software will appear, click Uninstall below.
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Step 7:
Software removal will occur with each process in order in the interface.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 10
Your Uninstaller will also search for keys in the system that contain files that have not been deleted. If uninstalled in the usual way, these keys will not be found to be removed, but Your Uninstaller will search thoroughly. This helps the computer run smoother, without creating holes for bad guys to penetrate. Click Next to delete.
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Finally, the software removal process will be completed immediately.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 12
Step 8:
So we have completely removed the software on the computer. In addition, clicking AutoFix mode will fix errors caused by viruses, or vulnerabilities caused by software removal.
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2. Use Your Uninstaller to delete temporary system files
Step 1:
In addition to the feature of completely removing software from the computer, Your Uninstaller also has the ability to clean up the hard drive on the computer and delete temporary files on the system.
Click on Disk Cleaner in the list on the left side of the screen.
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Step 2:
A new interface appears with information about system drive capacity and available space, press the Scan button to scan data. If you want to select another drive, click the arrow icon.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 15
The scanning process will take place immediately afterward. The time it takes to scan temporary files quickly or slowly depends on the computer configuration, number of temporary files and temporary file capacity.
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Step 3:
After scanning, check all files again. If you want to delete everything, click Delete All below to delete. Or select the file you want to delete and then click Delete All .
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The software will ask if the user is sure they want to delete these temporary files, click Yes to agree.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 18
Immediately the process of deleting junk files on the system will be carried out. If the number and size of junk files are relatively large, you need to wait a few minutes.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 19
The software results will notify the number of deleted files as well as the amount of junk files.
How to use Your Uninstaller to completely remove software - Delete 'stubborn' applications Picture 20
Thus, the Network Administrator has instructed readers on how to use Your Uninstaller software to completely remove software on the computer. Besides, the tool also adds the function of cleaning junk files on the system to reclaim space and speed up the computer.
You should read it
- Your Uninstaller - Download Your Uninstaller here.
- 5 Best Alternatives to Revo Uninstaller
- IObit Uninstaller - Download IObit Uninstaller here
- Your Uninstaller - Software to thoroughly uninstall applications
- Invite to Revo Uninstaller Pro 3, the software to remove applications like Your Uninstaller for $ 19.99 is free
- Download Smarty Uninstaller application uninstalling software worth 24.99 USD, which is free
- How to use IObit Uninstaller to completely remove software on Windows
- How to use Smarty Uninstaller to remove software completely on Windows
- Offer IObit Uninstaller 7 Pro, the software to remove computer programs for $ 9.99, is free
- The wizard supports installation, removing many software at the same time in Windows
- Remove the software with Geek Uninstaller - Uninstall software thoroughly
- 10+ best free software uninstaller tools
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