Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch

We have learned how to program the game Catching Apples and Racing Animals with Scratch. Next, let's learn how to program the game Cat Chasing Mouse.

We have learned how to program the game Catching Apples and Racing Animals with Scratch. Next, let's learn how to program the game Cat Chasing Mouse.


How to program the game Cat and Mouse

From the name Cat and Mouse, you can grasp the structure of this game. So let's start programming this game.

Step 1: Choose a wallpaper for the game

To make the game more interesting, the first thing to do is to choose a background. You can choose the scene of the mouse-tailed cat indoors, outdoors, on the beach. by clicking on Choose background in the bottom right corner.

Picture 1 of Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch

Step 2: Set up character for game

This is a Cat and Mouse game, so of course we will need 2 characters Cat and Mouse. Go to Add Character in the Character Frame to choose 2 characters Cat and Mouse according to your preferences.

Picture 2 of Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch


Don't forget to delete the default character if you don't want to use it by clicking on the trash icon next to the character.

Step 3: Programming the Cat character

We need to set up the cat to move flexibly according to our control, thereby quickly catching the mouse. The programming steps for the cat will be as follows:

  1. Drag the code When clicking the green flag of the Event section into the programming section.
  2. Select Continuous code in Control section .
  3. Add Go to the Motion section mouse pointer .
  4. Point towards the object (_) in Motion. The (_) part selects the object as the mouse.

Picture 3 of Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch

Step 4: Programming the Mouse character

To make the mouse run everywhere and hide from the cat, you will need to program it as follows:

  1. Drag the code When clicking the green flag of the Event item into the programming interface.
  2. Add Continuous under Controls .
  3. In the Motion section , add Glide for (_) seconds to random position. The (_) box should be set to 1 so that the mouse moves at a moderate rate.
  4. Finally add Restart if edge touched also under Motion.

Picture 4 of Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch

To make the game more vivid, you can add sound for the mouse every time it is caught by the cat by programming as follows:


  1. Add If code (_) then make it a child of Continuous code. In (_) add Touching code (_) and select cat character.
  2. Insert the Start Sound code (_) under the Sound section . In the (_) section you can set the sound to match the mouse when it is caught by the cat.

Picture 5 of Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch

You can also set it up so that every time it is caught, the mouse will disappear and reappear in another location.

  1. Drag the Hidden item in the Show as a child of the If (_) then code.
  2. Insert code Go to random position under Move down.
  3. Add the Wait (_) seconds code under Controls . In the (_) section you can set the number of seconds to wait for the mouse to reappear in the game interface.
  4. Finally, insert the Show code in the Display section.

Picture 6 of Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch

Step 5: Publish the Cat and Mouse game

After completing all the above steps, you have finished programming the Cat and Mouse game. You can refer to the game programming code that has made below and edit and add to your liking.

Picture 7 of Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch
Programming Code for Mouse

Picture 8 of Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch
Programming Code for Cats


Finally, you just need to publish the game you just programmed. Click View Project Page in the toolbar at the top of the screen to save the game and start the game experience.

Picture 9 of Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch

At the interface you were just navigated to, click the green flag button to start testing the game you just programmed.  

Picture 10 of Programming the game Cat and Mouse with Scratch

Above is the complete detailed guide on how to program the Cat and Mouse game with Scratch that wants to introduce to you. Wish you success in programming and experiencing this game.

Update 15 January 2025


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