NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel

The following article details the NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution in excel.

The following article details the NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution in excel.

Description: The function returns the normal distribution in excel with a standard deviation and a defined mean. Application of this function in testing hypotheses.

Syntax: NORMDIST (x, mean, standard_dev, cumulative) .


- x : The value you want to determine the distribution, is the required parameter bt.

- mean : The arithmetic mean of the distribution, which is a required parameter.

- standard_dev : The standard deviation of the distribution, is a required parameter.

- cumulative : The logical value of the function, which is a required parameter. The following values ​​are available:

+ Function has value TRUE => cumulative distribution function.

+ Function with value FALSE => probability mass function.


- The equation of the function (with commulative = False) is:

NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 1NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 1

- If the average value or standard deviation is not in the form of numbers => the function returns the #VALUE! Error.

- If average = 0 and standard deviation = 1, cumulative = True => function returns the normal distribution NORMSDIST .

- If the standard deviation is less than 0 => The function returns the value #NUM !.

- When the cumulative value = TRUE => distribution applies from negative infinity to the value x.

For example:

Calculate the distribution of the value 92.

NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 2NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 2

TH1: Cumulative value is TRUE

In the cell to calculate enter the formula: = NORMDIST (D6, D7, D8, TRUE) .

NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 3NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 3

Pressing Enter has the result:

NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 4NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 4

TH2: Cumulative value = FALSE

- In the cell to calculate, enter the formula: = NORMDIST (D6, D7, D8, FALSE) .

NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 5NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 5

Pressing Enter results:

NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 6NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 6

Case 3 : If the standard deviation = 1 and the mean value = 0, accumulate = True => NORMDIST (92) = NORMSDIST (92).

- NORMDIST function value (92):

NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 7NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 7

- NORMSDIST (92) value:

NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 8NORMDIST function - The function returns the normal distribution with the standard deviation and the average value specified in Excel Picture 8

So if the standard deviation = 1 mean value = 0 and cumulative = true => NORMSDIST function is equal to the value of NORMDIST function.

The above details NORMDIST function and special case between NORMSDIST and NORMDIST functions. Hope this tool is helpful for you.

Good luck!

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