Step 1
First you can download my photo to use, and remember to put the file in place so you can easily find it.
Step 2
Open the Flash program on your computer. Go to File > Import > Import to Library . In the file selection window that appears, locate the image you just downloaded, select it and then click Open . If you now open the flash library ( Ctrl + L ), you will see which image was taken (below).
Macromedia Flash - City photo zoom effect Picture 1
Step 3
Press Ctrl + J key on the keyboard to open Document Properties , and set the width of the file to 300 pixels, the height to 200 pixels. Choose any color as background color. Set your Flash movie 's frame rate to 30 and click ok .
Macromedia Flash - City photo zoom effect Picture 2
Step 4
Pick the Selection Tool (V) and use the 'drag-and-drop' technique to bring the image from the flash library to the content. This image is bigger than the file and you can shrink it to 300x200px as the size of the background. You can drag the image with the Free Transform Tool (Q) or some Info Panel ( Ctrl + I ) and set W: 300, H: 200 as shown below.
Macromedia Flash - City photo zoom effect Picture 3
Step 5
Select the image, go to the Align Panel ( Ctrl + K ) then set the following content:
1. Make sure the To Stage button in Align / Distribute is enabled.
2. Click on the horizontal center button at Align
3. Click the vertical center button at Align
Macromedia Flash - City photo zoom effect Picture 4
Step 6
Select the image, press F8 key ( Convert to Symbol ) to convert the image into a Movie Clip Symbol.
Macromedia Flash - City photo zoom effect Picture 5
Step 7
Select frame 40 and then frame 45, press F6 key
Step 8
While you're still on frame 45, take the Free Transform Tool (Q), press - hold down the Shift key and enlarge the image a little (as shown below).
Macromedia Flash - City photo zoom effect Picture 6
Step 9
Right-click anywhere in the gray area between the two keyframes on the timeline and choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.
Macromedia Flash - City photo zoom effect Picture 7
Step 10
Click on frame 60 and press F6 key. Then select the Free Transform Tool (Q) and enlarge the image again. Continue dragging the image a little left.
Step 11
Right-click anywhere on the gray area between frame 45 and frame 60 on the timeline and choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.
Macromedia Flash - City photo zoom effect Picture 8
Step 12
Click on frame 65 and press F6 key. Then, enlarge the image again a bit.
Step 13
Right-click anywhere on the gray area between the frame 60 and frame 65 on the timeline, choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.
Step 14
Click on frame 85 and press F6 key. Then, enlarge the image again a bit.
Step 15
Right-click anywhere on the gray area between frame 65 and frame 85 on the timeline, choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.
Step 16
Click on frame 100 and press F6 key. Then, enlarge the image again a bit.
Step 17
Right-click anywhere on the gray area between the frame 85 and frame 100 on the timeline, choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.
Step 18
Click on frame 125 and press F7 (blank keyframe). Then go back to the first frame and press Ctrl + C key (Copy). Click again on frame 125 and press Ctrl + Shift + V key (Paste in Place).
Step 19
Right-click anywhere on the gray area between frame 100 and frame 125 on the timeline and choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.
Check the product (Ctrl + Enter)
Download the source file here!