Laptop screen OLED carries 'alias' Rolltop

The German design team, Orkin-design, has created a short video detailing the design, features and usage of flexible screen laptops - Rolltop

The German design team, Orkin-design, has created a short video detailing the design, features and usage of flexible screen laptops - Rolltop .

Just a few days after Sony introduced the Vaio laptop model with flexible OLED displays at Ceatec 2009, Orkin-design built a detailed video of an idea product called the Rolltop - laptop roll.

Picture 1 of Laptop screen OLED carries 'alias' Rolltop

Sony Vaio laptop uses flexible OLED display at Ceatec 2009. Photo of Cnet .

Rolltop is the stylized call of German graphic design experts for flexible OLED laptop displays that can be conveniently rolled when moving. New is just an idea but when you finish watching the following video you will have a perfect view of the design, features and how to use this product of the future.

Picture 2 of Laptop screen OLED carries 'alias' Rolltop

The front of the Vaio laptop model is flexible OLED screen. Photo of Cnet .

The model built on the film has a flexible OLED display and when it comes to full flat screen size of 17 inches, you will also have a 13-inch touch screen tablet PC. It has a very stylish design, curled up like a drawing canister of graphic designers or architects, and has a strong, youthful shoulder strap.

According to OLED-Display, Rolltop will be an all-in-one mobile device that every tech lover wants to own a car in the near future.

Watch the video about Rolltop

[youtube] [/ youtube]

Update 25 May 2019


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