Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners. If you want to experience this game right now, follow the article below for specific instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners. What are you waiting for?

Minecraft has become a classic video game, launched in 2011 and so far has not lost popularity. To find out what Minecraft is and what its rules are, read this article.

If you want to experience this game right now, follow the article below for specific instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners . What are you waiting for?

Picture 1 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Join the vast Minecraft world, as inexperienced people often don't know where to start. Imagine you were abandoned on a deserted island with nothing in your hands, you would be so bewildered right?

First, you need to download Minecraft games from the homepage, or separate versions for each operating system such as Windows 10, Mac (in this tutorial I use the Minecraft version for Windows 10). Once downloaded, proceed to login and be taken to the game's main interface.

Create the world in Minecraft

Select Play to start playing:

Picture 2 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

At this point you will have 3 options:

  1. Worlds : Play the current world it is
  2. Friends : Play the world of friends
  3. Servers: Play the public world

Because you do not have a world, we choose Create New to proceed to create a new world.

Picture 3 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Continue to select Create New World .

Picture 4 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

You install the basic information of the game such as:

  1. World Name: World name
  2. Default Game Mode: Game mode " Survival " or " Creative " (I introduced in the previous article), here you choose Survival .
  3. Difficulty: Difficulty level (the level of monsters appearing in the game)
  4. World Prefercences: Priority mode: you will receive Staring Map (starting map) and Bonus Chest (reward chest) when starting the game.
  5. World Type: World type includes Flat (flat), Infinite (Infinite), Old (Old), normally we choose Infinite .

Picture 5 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Click Create to proceed to create a new world.

Picture 6 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Basic manipulation in Minecraft


To play Minecraft, you need to be familiar with the following basic operations:

  1. Annie : Go straight
  2. A : Go left
  3. S : Go back
  4. D : Go right
  5. E : Open the inventory
  6. Left mouse : Attack / Destroy
  7. Right mouse : Place / interact with objects
  8. Space : Jump
  9. Shift : Bow, go slowly
  10. Ctrl : Run fast
  11. Number keys : Select the item box
  12. Q : Unpack


Now try pressing E to open the inventory, you will see the following interface:

Picture 7 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

  1. Red area : The character's equipment includes Armor, Hat, Pants, Shoes, Shield.
  2. Black area : Manufacturing, you match the pieces of the item in accordance with the rules to get new items.
  3. Yellow area : Luggage containing the character's items, the 9 rows along the bottom are things you can hold in your hand.


Manufacturing is a key job in the game, thanks to manufacturing you have the tools to help improve your life.

Let's try making 4 basic boxes in the luggage, drag and drop a piece of oak into any box, we will get 4 oak boards :

Picture 8 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Continue to place 2 oak boards vertically, we will change to 4 sticks , to divide items evenly, you drag the item and right-click on each cell.

Picture 9 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

4 boards of oak will be built 1 table .

Picture 10 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

To use the crafting table , you place it on the ground and right click to interact, you will see that the limit of manufacture has been expanded to 6x6, helping you create more advanced items such as Ax, Sword, Bed. sleeping, doors, . The area on the left is the recipe you can follow to make things.

Picture 11 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Similar to crafting tables, some other items you can manipulate placing and interacting with the right mouse like that.

Now that you've learned the basics, start exploring your world now!

Survive in the Minecraft world

As introduced, the ultimate goal of this mode is to destroy the Ender Dragon. But to do that, you must first know how to survive in the world you created, exploit it to develop yourself, get the necessary equipment. For experienced players, they may have different ways of playing, but a newbie like you should follow the steps I instructed below.

When you are summoned at the map will be the morning of the first day, now you need to think of one thing immediately " WOOD ", this is the material for many things you need.

Make a wooden sword now, hold the right mouse button on the trunk to break into wooden blocks , come close to pick it up in the luggage.

Picture 12 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

If you are summoned in the Desert (very short of trees) then immediately find a way out of it, in my experience is to go towards the lake.

Make yourself enough 16 blocks of wood equivalent to 64 wooden planks .

Next you need to make a manufacturing table to have the basis to make other necessary items. Make yourself a wooden pickaxe , a wooden sword according to the formula that has been given in the game:

Picture 13 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Picture 14 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Using a wooden pick to dig Stone and Coal , these are relatively easy to find elements. When you have Stone you can make stone items with greater durability and ability.

Picture 15 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

On the way you see animals such as Pigs, Cow, Chicken, Sheep, attack them with Sword to get Meat (the best food source for you). In addition to Meat, you can also eat plants like Apple, Watermelon .

Picture 16 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

To overcome the first night, you need to find a shelter from monsters such as Zombie, Skeleton, Creeper . They are very aggressive and a great threat to your life. The fastest way is to dig a bunker in the mountains like this and fill the surroundings. In the dark you need a torch to light it.

Picture 17 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Make a Oven to grill Meat , helping Meat provide more energy. Later you can also use the furnace to melt metal ores.

Picture 18 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

The fuel for burning may be either Wood or Coal .

Picture 19 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

If you have a Bed , the more wonderful it is when you use to sleep at night, this time will pass very quickly and you will quickly return to the day.

Picture 20 of Instructions on how to play Minecraft for beginners

Those are the essentials that help you live your day in Minecraft. Now it's time to find a way to develop the game, the next activities you need to do include building shelters, planting trees and raising animals for food, mining minerals and destroying monsters to get special items. distinct.

Remember that dying will cause great damage to your play (even if you are revived), so try not to die.

Posts guide to play Minecraft for beginners here is the end, wish you have moments of fun gaming!

Update 19 May 2020


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