Improve laptop battery life

Anyone who uses a laptop or tablet also realizes that battery life is still a key factor for portability when using them on the road. Some people may turn to extended batteries, others already have them.

Anyone who uses a laptop or tablet also realizes that battery life is still a key factor for portability when using them on the road. Some people may turn to extended batteries, others already have and are trying to save every minute before their computers run out of battery somewhere. An area that laptop users often overlook is software that runs on a computer platform. They act as leeches, drain your power and make the notebook work more. With just a few minutes of simple editing, you can easily extend your laptop's usage time according to our following guidelines.

Most tutorials focus on Windows Vista-based computers, but many tips can also be applied to Windows XP.

Keep the processor working at a moderate speed

Most laptops have power source adjustment software, and the ability to change profiles using Vista power manager. Select the battery icon at the bottom of the screen, and set your computer to Balanced or Power Saver mode. High Performance is best suited for video decoding or playing games, but it makes your processor more active. So use more power, release more heat.

Wireless frequency adjustment

Pay attention to your wireless device, turn them off if you don't use it. If you always run Bluetooth as well as Wifi, you are cutting off useful time that can be used for other purposes.

Picture 1 of Improve laptop battery life
Change the look of the eye

Screen lights use the most power on your laptop, especially large-sized computers. It may look wide, beautiful and shiny with a high-level screen light, but you're reducing the battery's performance. First put the screen light at the lowest mode, then slowly increase it until you feel it is an acceptable mode. Remember that this also depends on the location of use, meaning that you may have to put it in brighter mode in office conditions, but lower when staying home at night.

Don't be tempted by movies

If possible, avoid using a DVD or CD on a laptop when using battery power. Running the drive requires a lot of power. In addition, your processor must also work harder to decode audio and video, which can reduce battery life by nearly 30%. If you need to watch movies, try to use content that can be downloaded or viewed online. iTunes and are great alternatives to annoying discs.

Turn off unwanted background operations

From the beginning most laptops already have some background programs that take up the processor's precious activity, making your drive junk.

Automatic Updates : Keeping your system up to date is a good thing, but it should be optional and implemented in your free time. To turn off this program, go to Control Panel , select ' Windows Update '. In the next window select ' Change Settings ' on the left and continue with the next window. Change the selection to ' Never check for updates ', then click OK. Note that this may prevent the system from being protected if you do not update yourself regularly.

Windows Indexing : Windows Indexing helps reduce the time to search for a certain file in your drive, but it also wreaks havoc on battery life. To turn off indexing, open ' My Computer ' and right-click on your drive. The next image appears on the screen, uncheck ' Index this driver for faster searching '. You will need to go through some steps, as well as click 'ignore all' if asked. This process takes a lot of time depending on your disk usage capacity.

Antivirus software : Anti- virus software is high-performing, but it is also a life saver depending on where you visit or what kind of files you encounter. I have enough knowledge to avoid harmful items in everyday activities and do not need to use anti-virus software for years. Not only does it make your system slow, but it also greatly reduces battery life if it starts scanning on the computer floor. But remember that removing antivirus software from the system can be risky, and should be done with caution. If the number of times you have the virus more than 5 times, do not follow this proposal.

The next step of this tutorial is to use Task Scheduler , turn off some services that your computer queues at many times when using the computer. You can access this program by going to the list of programs, then going to Accessories , followed by System Tools , and finally clicking Task Scheduler .

Picture 2 of Improve laptop battery life
In the Active Tasks list, the following items create unwanted activity on the computer background. To turn off any item, double-click the option to bring you to a new window that details the activity. Now you just need to right click on the item, then click disable to make it not bother you in the future.

Consolidator : Run in the background of the Customer Improvement program.

Scheduled Defrag : Using defragment the drive will slow down the system. Use this program in your spare time instead of letting the system perform weekly.

Clean up after use

There are many programs that work on unused computers, which can reduce system performance, as well as battery life. If you have finished using an application, exit completely instead of minimizing it. Also note that some programs automatically minimize the toolbar when you click the X icon on the top right of the screen. These programs can be turned off by right-clicking on them in the taskbar and clicking exit.


By following the instructions above and paying attention to the software you are using on your laptop, you can extend the battery life. So you have more time when you need it. Even if it doesn't help increase battery life, most of these tips also help improve system performance, sometimes turning a computer into a speed ghost instead of a sluggish remains. Put yourself in the computer position, and understand that if you work harder, you will use more energy. If you slow down and work slowly, you can store a little energy when all the work is done.

Update 25 May 2019


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