If you have high blood pressure, stroke or varicose veins, apply the 7 things below to improve!

If you have high blood pressure, stroke or varicose veins, apply the 7 things below to improve! Invite you to consult!

  1. How to prevent and control high blood pressure?
  2. Stroke: Causes, identification signs and emergency 'golden time'
  3. 7 ways to combine food can be harmful to your health

Most of us sometimes feel cold feet or numb fingers . If this happens every day, you need to be aware. It may be a sign that your blood circulation is not good, showing kidney problems, varicose veins or other diseases.

Therefore, we offer a list of foods for you to add to your daily diet , as well as to enhance simple activities to improve your circulation. Let's join us to see if any of you have ever done it!

7. Feed pets

Picture 1 of If you have high blood pressure, stroke or varicose veins, apply the 7 things below to improve!
© Bequest / Pixabay

Owning a pet of your own, especially dogs, helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases . Forming a special connection with your pet will reduce your heart rate and stress.

Besides, owning a dog will make you go out and walk more . Good cardiovascular activities - like walking - will help improve heart and blood vessel function.

6. Drink wine instead of beer

Picture 2 of If you have high blood pressure, stroke or varicose veins, apply the 7 things below to improve!
© jill111 / Pixabay

A clinical trial conducted in 2015 confirmed that drinking wine can improve cardiovascular health . Compared to other wines, wine gives you many benefits because it contains antioxidant and other botanical ingredients. But it is important that you drink in moderation: Every day, women should drink 1 small glass and men should drink 2 small glasses.

5. Eat spicy food

Picture 3 of If you have high blood pressure, stroke or varicose veins, apply the 7 things below to improve!
© Pixabay

Hot peppers and pepper help expand blood vessels and increase blood flow . They help the cardiovascular system in the body work better and keep blood pressure stable. Moreover, they also help warm hands and feet ( cold hands and feet are caused by poor blood circulation ).

Tip : If pepper and chili are too spicy for you, add onions and garlic to your daily diet. Garlic relaxes blood vessels and increases levels of hydrogen sulfide, which improves blood circulation. Onions contain high levels of Antioxidants, which help prevent the formation of blood clots.

4. Wear appropriate clothing

Picture 4 of If you have high blood pressure, stroke or varicose veins, apply the 7 things below to improve!
© Pexels

Doctors always advise that wearing tight clothing should not be worn for a long time . Wearing too tight pants or tight jeans will interfere with blood circulation and may cause varicose veins. Wear the clothes you feel comfortable to keep blood circulating throughout your body in a stable way.

3. Supplement foods rich in folic acid

Picture 5 of If you have high blood pressure, stroke or varicose veins, apply the 7 things below to improve!
© Pixabay

One of the important reasons for eating folic acid-rich foods is cell growth and regeneration. Folic acid is involved in making red blood cells and preventing anemia. Not getting enough folic acid will cause blood clots .

Food sources rich in folic acid:

  1. Dark green leafy plants ( spinach, green radish, lettuce );
  2. Broccoli and butter;
  3. Orange, tangerine, grapefruit, papaya, banana, strawberry;
  4. Beans, peas and lentils;
  5. Nuts ( acorns, almonds, walnuts );
  6. Cauliflower, sugar beet, corn and carrots.

See also: 9 reasons you should drink some olive oil when you're hungry

2. Lift your legs up high

Picture 6 of If you have high blood pressure, stroke or varicose veins, apply the 7 things below to improve!
© Depositphotos

Placing your feet higher than the heart improves blood circulation immediately because it will reduce the pressure of the leg veins, which also helps you relax. Raising your legs helps reduce stress, pressure on blood vessels and veins.

Tip : Move your toes and place your feet higher than your heart. Hold that position continuously for 20 minutes every day and your blood circulation will increase.

1. Massage

Picture 7 of If you have high blood pressure, stroke or varicose veins, apply the 7 things below to improve!
© Depositphotos

Massage helps increase blood circulation because it stimulates blood flow in soft tissues . Some studies have shown that massage positively affects peripheral vascular function in the body. Gentle movements help strengthen lymphatic and venous flow.

Tip : Use almond oil, coconut oil or olive oil. If possible, massage twice a week. When massaging yourself, you can use a foam roller. Just put on the floor, lean on your back and roll on the floor.

Do you often feel cold feet or toes, numb fingers in winter? Let's apply these to eliminate those feelings.

See also: One month before a heart attack, your body will show 8 warning signs!

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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