How to prevent and control high blood pressure?

High blood pressure or hypertension is a major factor that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart failure, stroke and, if not well controlled, can lead to kidney failure. Please refer to the following ways to prevent and control high blood pressure!

High blood pressure or hypertension is a major factor that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart failure, stroke and, if not well controlled, can lead to kidney failure . High blood pressure is grouped with other health risk factors such as high cholesterol, obesity, type 2 diabetes, smoking and other genetic diseases. You should check your blood pressure regularly and find ways to lower your blood pressure or keep it low to avoid serious health complications. Blood pressure 140/90 ( 150/90 in people over 60 ) or higher is thought to be high. Although high blood pressure can be treated with medication, according to health experts, it is possible to prevent high blood pressure by adopting a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, health promotion. Physical and stress control. Please refer to the following ways to prevent and control high blood pressure!

Method 1: Apply a healthy diet

1. Combine vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products into your daily diet

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The nutrients in these foods have been shown to help prevent high blood pressure: potassium, calcium, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. If you have a balanced diet, you do not need to use extra supplements to supplement these nutrients:

  1. Potassium : Kaili rich food sources include pumpkin, sweet potatoes and yogurt.
  2. Calcium : White beans, canned salmon and dried figs are rich in calcium.
  3. Magnesium : Almonds, cashews and tofu provide abundant magnesium.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids : A great source of omega-3 fatty acids found in tuna, walnuts and broccoli.

2. Limit salt consumption

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To minimize salt consumption, you should read food labels carefully and limit consumption of processed foods as well as out-of-store foods. More than 75% of the salt is consumed in external and processed foods. In addition, you can use spices and herbs to taste instead of salt. The nutrition diet instructor says children over 2 years old should consume less than 2300mg of salt per day. Some people need to reduce salt consumption to 1500mg per day, including those over 51, African Americans or people with high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease.

3. Reduce consumption of alcoholic beverages

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Experts recommend that men should only drink two portions of alcoholic beverages ( men over 65 should only take one part ) and women should only drink one part of alcoholic drinks a day . Drinking more than 3 servings at a time may cause temporary hypertension, but if taken regularly can cause chronic hypertension. Therefore, you need to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages or replace them with alcohol-free drinks.

  1. A portion of the drink contains alcohol with 355ml of beer, 150ml of wine or 45ml of alcohol containing 40% alcohol.

4. Limit the amount of caffeine consumed

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Research has shown that caffeine can dramatically increase blood pressure . Health experts recommend not drinking more than 2 cups (200ml) of coffee a day. In addition, some other caffeine-rich foods include chocolates, soda and energy drinks. All these foods should only be consumed in small amounts every day.

Method 2: Enhance physical health

1. Exercise regularly to maintain healthy blood pressure

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Working hard every day reduces the risk of high blood pressure by 20-50%. Doctors recommend exercising 30-60 minutes a day or 150 minutes a week. The most important thing is to exercise regularly because blood pressure can drop 5-10mm of mercury through exercise.

2. Maintain a healthy weight

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The risk of high blood pressure increases 2-6 times if you are overweight or obese.

  1. Maintaining a healthy weight also helps reduce waist measurements. Medical experts believe that large waist sizes may indicate high blood pressure and heart disease. Research in the United States shows that waist size is larger than 102cm in men and more than 89cm in women is related to high blood pressure. However, the size measures the waist, depending on the race. For example, waist size associated with high blood pressure is above 90cm for Asian men and over 81cm for Asian women.
  2. The mechanism in this association has not been determined but there is a theory that peripheral insulin resistance leads to glucose intolerance and increased insulin. In addition, many other mechanisms have been proposed to explain increased insulin leading to hypertension, but no mechanism has been demonstrated.

3. Get enough sleep

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Getting enough 7-8 hours a day helps prevent high blood pressure. In addition, getting enough sleep helps to strengthen the nervous system and regulate stress hormones. Conversely, if you sleep too little, less than 6 hours may affect your body's ability to regulate stress hormones in the long run.

4. Quit smoking and avoid indirect exposure to cigarette smoke

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Blood pressure will rise after a few minutes when smoking. Smoking or inhaling smoke can cause atherosclerosis ( fat build up in the arteries ), cancer and lung problems.

5. Prevention of high blood pressure

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If your blood pressure is only occasionally elevated, you may still have health problems. Research indicates that sometimes high blood pressure can be a sign of future chronic health problems or a clearer sign of stroke. So talk to your doctor to find high blood pressure as soon as possible, which will be helpful in reducing future problems.

Method 3: Control stress

1. Identify the stressors in your life

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Stress directly affects high blood pressure. When it comes to stressful situations, blood pressure increases due to a sudden increase in hormones. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly identify the cause of stress to better control stress. Some common causes are job loss, marriage preparation or relocation.

2. Minimize or eliminate stress from life through physical activity.

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Yoga , meditation and deep relaxation exercises all help lower stress levels. Yoga and meditation not only relaxes and enhances health, but also helps lower systolic blood pressure to 5mm Hg or more.

  1. Yoga: Yoga consists of a series of movements or postures that enhance strength and endurance. Besides, Yoga also helps control breathing, relax your mind and control your body.
  2. Meditation: Meditation is a form of focusing attention and eliminating thoughts that distract you, thereby improving your health both physically and mentally.
  3. Breathe deeply: Take deep breaths including controlling your breathing, while stretching different muscle groups, helping you calm down.

3. Learn effective ways to deal with mental stress

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Currently there are many ways to deal with stress. However, some ways such as eating a lot will cause an adverse reaction to lowering blood pressure. So the best way to control stress is positive thinking , seeking support, solving problems and changing expectations.

  1. Positive thinking : Pay attention to the positive aspects, the positive side of the problem.
  2. Seek support : Ask a friend, relative or health professional for help or emotional support.
  3. Solve the problem : Clearly identify the root cause of the problem and find a solution.
  4. Change in expectations : Change your thinking about the desired outcome in the future.

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