If you feel you are not good enough, remember these 14 things carefully!

Here are 14 things you need to remember when you feel you are not good enough. Invite you to consult!

  1. 15 simple ways to become a special person
  2. 10 simple steps to make dreams come true
  3. Put away the 9 statements below, if you don't want the listener to feel uncomfortable!

In life there will definitely be worse days than the other days. A day can become especially bad when you feel like you're ' not good enough ' compared to anyone or anything. In other words, it's just ' not good enough' . Here are 14 things you need to remember when you feel you are not good enough. Invite you to consult!

1. In fact, you're more right than wrong

Picture 1 of If you feel you are not good enough, remember these 14 things carefully!

This is the time you need to motivate yourself. Once you understand the nature of the problem, no one else needs to mess it up. Give yourself the opportunity, because you are also human, just like everyone in this world. Remember that all mistakes are inevitable . It's time for you to stop comparing yourself to someone and live comfortably.

2. Accept 'reality' and proceed to success

The important thing is that you need to be strong to accept reality and be determined to continue doing everything, moving forward. Reward yourself for the gift of forgiveness from the mistakes you make, from stumbling blocks or mistakes. Forgive yourself first and you will accept it as a temporary situation so you can move forward.

3. Be gentle with yourself

Picture 2 of If you feel you are not good enough, remember these 14 things carefully!

Max Ehrmann once wrote: ' Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than trees and stars; you have the right to exist in this place . ' Besides, there are also more sincere and gentle words that have been written in. Psychologists today have announced a secret to incredible success. It is: " Be good to yourself ." This trick helps you to assess yourself as equal to assessing others.

4. Focus on the process, not the perfection

We humans often require perfection, more or less, you should stop. Efforts to make yourself perfect don't help you improve but also abuse and prevent you from moving forward.

Instead of doing that, focus on the process to continue to lead yourself to success. Certainly this is not easy and it is a controversial issue but the truth is no one, nothing in the world is perfect .

5. Make a decision to prevent bad feelings

Picture 3 of If you feel you are not good enough, remember these 14 things carefully!

Surprisingly, the decision to stop saying things yourself about yourself can help you avoid negative thoughts. Your mind will believe that you deserve to be challenged and always able to overcome any situation. This way, you will make yourself stronger to keep moving forward.

See also: 10 small things that help you find your life's purpose

6. Always think positive and look forward to the future

This is indeed very difficult. It would be much easier if only thinking about the negative side and immersed in that quagmire. Positive thinking really gives you strength. Instead of thinking about what to do - can do - should do in the past, think about things you can do that will be done at the present time . Positive thinking will transmit energy to your mind to act instead of being constantly bothered by situations or mistakes that you yourself have.

7. Try to look at another angle

Picture 4 of If you feel you are not good enough, remember these 14 things carefully!

Do you need enough points to pass the course? Or is it perhaps something that needs to be done or cannot be ignored or ignored. It may be a task to do but you feel that you are lowering yourself. Fine. Sometimes changing the way you think about difficult tasks or using other methods to accomplish that task.

8. Learn to love yourself

The key to being able to love yourself is to accept what you have . Of course, that does not mean that there is no need to work hard to improve yourself, it means that you accept who you are and take responsibility for the mistakes you make. It is important that you do not stop at any mistake and still have to keep going.

9. Stop comparing yourself to others

Picture 5 of If you feel you are not good enough, remember these 14 things carefully!

In this world there is only one person like you, good or bad. The truth is that we will easily be aware of our mistakes and rarely recognize the mistakes of others. We only see their achievements and successes. Unless we live with them, we tend to see their best. No one can always be good. They can make the same mistakes as we do.

10. Learn to appreciate what you have

Make sure you have more than some of these people and have less than others. It can be useful when you remember that some people don't have as many things as you have, even if you have very little.

Get to know people who are less fortunate than you by volunteering or simply chatting with people you don't regularly interact with. Show gratitude by spreading your loving hand to the important people in your life.

11. Life is inherently unfair

Picture 6 of If you feel you are not good enough, remember these 14 things carefully!

This is indeed a grim truth. There are people who do not deserve to suffer from serious diseases and get sick and lose. Other people always face difficulties in life. Unfortunately, you or anyone else does not have the ability to transform this grim reality. Take the time to learn and engage with people when possible. Talk to someone in the same situation to learn how to cope and overcome the hardships in life.

12. Some things are not the same as its appearance

In fact, we are always curious about other people's lives, because we don't know how they can achieve these or that. For example, a person may have the necessary experience for a job while others use the relationship to bring in acquaintances. We really don't know and there's no way to know how a person leads their life.

13. Change what you can and learn to accept what cannot be changed

Picture 7 of If you feel you are not good enough, remember these 14 things carefully!

Control the aspects you can do in your life. A good way to get started is to think of a problem and find a way to solve it. You can control how to approach the problem and how you deal with it. While you cannot change the past, you can create steps to build a brighter future. What goals can you make today to achieve what you want?

14. Don't forget to start

It's easy to stop and be engulfed in past mistakes. Make sure you change, no matter what you change. Keep a notebook to record the process. In this way, you can see directly how the progress is made. When moving towards a specific goal, you should divide the process into smaller steps to implement.

See also: Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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