If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life!

As you progress step by step towards the peak of this chaotic life, can you climb to the top with enthusiasm or will hobble with your aching knee and regret? If you don't want to regret it after 10 years, please join us in the following 12 things!
  1. To succeed, do 8 things before 8 am every day!
  2. Don't complain, remember the 16 things to do to live a life without regret
  3. These are 7 common mistakes that prevent you from achieving your life goals

As you progress step by step towards the peak of this chaotic life, can you climb to the top with enthusiasm or will hobble with your aching knee and regret? You have weathered the storm and storm, crossed the green jungle with the help of friends and now it is about to end. After experiencing every moment in your life, by this point you have realized one thing: everything you need to do yourself .

If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 1If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 1

What thoughts flashed in your mind? You will face tough questions like: Have I done enough, is love enough, are you happy?

You may torment yourself with questions that appear in your mind and think that I will find the answer tomorrow. However, you should remember that surely tomorrow has come! So, all you need to do now TODAY. All for happiness and the future of yourself.

1. Care and health care

There is a saying: " Without health means you have nothing " and this is absolutely correct. Your body is a place to hold souls. Exercise, eat moderately and rest properly. Good body care will help you live longer and healthier.

2. Spend time doing things you love

This may sound absurd, but let's work less and be more entertained . You will never regret having a vacation, doing something you enjoy or going out with your friends happily. In addition, you should also take an art class, read an interesting book or buy a meaningful gift for yourself. Immerse yourself in the present life.

3. Stop living too seriously

If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 2If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 2

Do you find yourself too serious? Find a way to have fun every day, smile a lot.

4. Always say what you need to say

If you love someone, tell them. If someone hurts you, tell them. If you have difficulty expressing your personal feelings, write a letter. Make sure the people around you know how you feel every day.

See also: Why should you know when to be silent and when to speak?

5. Look at things visually

When you look at the garage and see a dark, curled shadow that looks like a snake, your reaction may be to jump up in fear but as you approach, that " snake " is just one. water pipe only. You may feel silly because of " divine spirit ". Control your brain in the best way.

Change your views, personal views, open yourself to an interesting world and do it. Look at life in a more positive way and you will improve relationships, be more happy, reduce frustration, anger and bitterness.

6. Follow your own path - be true to yourself

If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 3If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 3

Please stop comparing yourself to others to stop striving to improve yourself. You don't need to equip yourself with a mask in this life, be yourself. If people around you don't like you, don't worry because you'll definitely find someone who understands you. Do not put yourself into despair alone. Do not live a life based on the expectations of others.

7. Don't live in the past

Right now, you need to throw away the regrets in the past . The past, does not mean that it will return to you, it just robs you of happy moments in the present only.

The past only exists in memory , it is part of memory and cannot be changed. Why not leave the past and try to live for the present and the future?

See more: If trying forever still fails, maybe you have made 13 mistakes!

8. Accept things that cannot be changed

" If a problem can change, if a situation can be different, it means there's no need to worry. But if it can't be changed, there's no reason to worry. " - Dalai Lama.

When trying to resist reality, you will only torment yourself. Even if you can't take someone or are struggling with illness, there's nothing you can do to change it. But torment, anxiety only makes you lose your joy in life.

What you need to do is rethink your current life and offer appropriate solutions to slowly change them. Your instincts will lead you in the right direction, whether it's your relationships or your career, leaving the biological compass in your guide.

Put the phrase " what if ", " should be " and " why " out of your story. Let's move forward.

9. Live responsibly

If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 4If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 4

Living slowly and responsibly will raise awareness in the present time and not cause fear, create much joy.

Think about how 10 years after your life will be. When we live responsibly, we will have a perfect life. Those are great moments that make up life. If not, you will find precious moments of life passing in vain.

" Responsible living means focusing specifically; deliberately, in the present moment and without criticism ." - Jon KabatZinn

10. Stop pursuing money and fame

If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 5If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 5

We humans often crave wealth, reputation, materiality and appearance, etc. People think that happiness will come when we reach our goal. Instead of enjoying life, we are constantly pursuing something too far away, too unreal.

At the end of life, a luxury BMW car will not help your memory. You will smile more when next to a loyal dog.Stop pursuing material wealth because it doesn't really make you happy, only pursuit of fame.

See also: 21 biggest regrets of each person looking back on life

11. Always grateful

" Gratitude opens up the fullness of life. It gives us fullness and more. It turns from refusal to acceptance, chaos becomes peaceful, confused into clarity. It can turn a meal. Melody Beattie - Melody Beattie

Gratitude helps you to improve your health, happiness, spirituality, connection, create relationships, improve your self-worth and make life more meaningful.

Even if your life is not perfect, it will be better when you show gratitude. So every day take the time to smile, say thank you to all the great and small joys in your life.

12. Love

If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 6If you don't do the following 12 things, you will definitely feel regretful all your life! Picture 6

This is an excerpt of the famous Martha Beck that has had a tremendous impact on our lives. It summarizes regret in a beautiful way:

" So the last lesson about regret, which will guide you to a rich and satisfying future, is this: Every time life gives you a turning point, from the smallest to the largest, follow love, don't run away from fear, think about all the choices of 'what will make you happy and happy' rather than 'something that will prevent fear - or events, people or what I fear - approach? "

Love so much, understand the people you love and find the hidden beauty of the people next to you.

These are ways of living without regret:

  1. Health care
  2. Spend time doing things you love
  3. Work less, laugh and entertain more
  4. Say what you need to say
  5. Live responsibly
  6. Look at things visually
  7. Stop thinking about the past
  8. Accept the things you can't change
  9. Stop thinking that happiness is the only thing in the future
  10. Stop pursuing money and fame
  11. True to yourself
  12. Take your own path
  13. Forget to be grateful
  14. Don't decide based on fear
  15. Love, love and love!

Obviously, no one can guarantee that I don't make bad decisions myself but when I start living my own life , make those moments more meaningful . The way to see things in a positive way can bring challenges and adventures, though they are not perfect but at least not filled with regrets in the past.

See also: If you are a happy and successful person, never say 10 sentences!

Having fun!

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