When you encounter failure, remember these sayings
Sharing is a good way to get through it. Even famous people in the world are not afraid to do this. When you encounter failure, read the following quotes from famous people, you will most likely find a solution to the problem you are having.
Almost everyone has failed at least once in their life. So, don't be sad or think about it. Turn it into motivation, an opportunity to train yourself better every day.
Your failure can be due to many reasons, from the smallest such as poor grades, being punished for being disorderly during the hour to larger events such as not passing a test, not being able to get into university or not getting a job. The company wants. Remember that even famous and wealthy people like Bill Gates failed before succeeding.
Therefore, it is easy to understand why more and more people want to hear the failure stories of successful people.
When you encounter failure, remember these sayings Picture 1
When you read the statements below, think about a specific case of your most recent failure, maybe you will do better or live up to the expectations and dreams you are following. chase. Maybe you're trying to forget those bad things or are criticizing yourself "mercilessly " . Instead, think about how you can reframe things to be part of the story of your life. Read the 11 quotes from talented people below to know what successful people think about failure in their lives, so you can try harder for the future!
" Everything is hard before it is easy "
"Everything is difficult before it becomes easy"
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
This saying wants to remind us that there are no shortcuts. If you want to become professional in a certain field, you must first go through a process of strenuous struggle. The fact that you're not good yet isn't something to be ashamed of, it's the place for you to start.
Stay firmly on the path you have chosen. Right at the beginning of the journey. What a wonderful place, isn't it? Imagine all the things you will learn, all the people you will meet, and all the experiences you will have. Feel grateful for the long and challenging road, because that is where you will find the best things life has to offer you.
"Success is not built on success. Not great success. Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophe."
"Success is not built from success. It's not even great success. Great success is built from failure, disappointment and even disaster."
(Sumner Redstone)
The word " disaster " in this quote is very good because it shows that even the worst moments in life can lead us to great discoveries and great successes later. This is not only true for small individuals but also true for large organizations. Not everyone has enough will and energy to pursue their dreams and not everyone can maintain their enthusiasm and aspirations for several months. When there is no success, many people often feel disappointed and discouraged. However, when acting in new fields without much knowledge and experience, it is truly a huge challenge for anyone. Fear will appear quickly when that person's enthusiasm " drops ". After being crushed by fear, most people give up halfway.
When you encounter failure, remember these sayings Picture 2
"My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure."
"What I want to know first is not how you failed, but how you accepted it."
(Abraham Lincoln)
Life always presents us with countless difficulties and challenges, and no matter how many times we fail, we still have to overcome them and continue living. Failure is when we mess up and do not achieve the desired results, but we must know how to accept failure to have a positive attitude to life. It doesn't matter what the failure is, what the consequences are, what's important is our attitude, knowing how to be aware, knowing how to calmly solve problems, and learn from experience for ourselves. When you fail, you must maintain clarity to find out the cause, then face it courageously, without avoiding or blaming anyone.
"Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor".
"Failure is the spice that creates the deliciousness of success."
(Truman Capote)
Author Truman Capota expressed the truth that all the " bad " things that happen to us are necessary, helping us to appreciate the " good " things. Without bad, there would be no good, right?
"Please know that I am aware of the hazards. I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things like men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be a challenge to others".
"I know how dangerous it is. But I still want to do it because I want to. Women, like men, must challenge themselves. When they encounter failure, that failure will be a challenge for them. with others".
(Amelia Earhart)
This quote is really impressive because it completely leans towards failure, showing us that even if we fail, our mistakes will still be an opportunity for others to learn and improve.
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up".
"Failure comes to many people when they don't realize how close they were to success the moment they decided to give up."
(Thomas Edison)
This quote reminds us that we often cannot see the "big picture " even when we are stuck in failure at that moment. If we can step outside of our current difficulties, we can realize how well we really have done.
When you encounter failure, remember these sayings Picture 3
"Mistakes are the portals of discovery".
"Mistakes are the gateway to discovery."
(James Joyce)
Humanity's greatest discoveries are often made through mistakes and that is how we develop ourselves.
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything—all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure—these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."
"Always remembering that I will die is the most important tool to help me make big decisions in life. Because of almost everything - all the expectations, all the pride, all the fear of losing face." or failure – these things will disappear when you face death, leaving only what is truly important."
(Steve Jobs)
Steve Jobs shows us a great " tool " to face failure. Ask yourself, would failure be so bad and scary that it would cause you to give up everything else valuable in life? Steve Jobs also believes that everyone's time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Be yourself, dare to live your life, live with the voice of your heart and intuition to become what you truly want to become. Everything else is not important.
"I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again".
"I hope that you are living a life that you are proud of. If you don't feel that way, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."
(Eric Roth, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)
It's never too early or too late to become who you want to be. I hope you will experience all the emotions in life, meet strange people, and live a life where you have no regrets. If your current life is not like that, I hope you will have enough courage and strength in your heart to start over.
Sometimes, we fail because we don't dare to face failure. We often pretend that we are very happy, even proud of our lives. You must have the courage to ignore your pride and continue moving forward!
When you encounter failure, remember these sayings Picture 4
"You've got to experience failure to understand that you can survive it".
"You have to experience failure to know you can overcome it."
(Tina Fey)
Knowing that you can overcome failure is one of the most effective things to help you overcome the storms of life. If you do that, you will no longer have to fear anything.
"Everything you want is on the other side of fear".
"Everything you want is on the other side of fear .
(Jack Canfield)
An extremely simple yet very powerful statement. Everything you want - health, power, relationships, success, happiness or wealth - is on the other side of fear, if you just have the courage to try to step through ( and fail ) to reach them. Because the wall of fear is blocking your way!
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
"Success goes from one failure to another without losing courage."
(Winston Churchill)
"It is not a disgrace to fail. Failing is one of the greatest arts in the world."
'Failure is not something to be ashamed of. In fact, failure is one of the greatest arts in the world
(Charles Kettering)
Charles Kettering is a famous businessman. When he made this statement, he wanted to emphasize to everyone that failure is not a big deal. Failure is an art because you have to find a way to overcome it to move forward. Instead of being ashamed, learn to accept and find your way through failure and you will succeed.
After reading good quotes about failure, we must have realized that the road to success is not as full of roses as many people think. Some people even have to pay a very high price to achieve the expected success. If just because of a little difficulty makes us discouraged, success will certainly never come because success only comes to those who know how to overcome difficulties and get up after each failure.
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