How will ipapi help you build smart websites?

ipapi is a smart API that retrieves visitor information and adjusts the website to match that information.

Do you want your website to become stronger? One of the great ways is to leverage the information that the visitor's IP address provides to the website. That's the way ipapi works, a special service that helps determine the location of the visitor and automates the elements on the website based on the information it receives.

Let's find out what ipapi is and how useful it is and how to use this service.

What is ipapi?

ipapi is a smart API that can be easily integrated into the website. It allows you to retrieve information about website visitors, automatically adjust based on what it finds.

Thanks to the easy-to-see JSON design, ipapi is easy to use. It only takes a few minutes to register and integrate into the website, everything is ready.

What data does ipapi get?

If you are not familiar with positioning via IP, you will be surprised at what ipapi collected, because not only the location. Here are some information this API can detect about website visitors.

  1. nation
  2. City
  3. ZIp Code
  4. Language
  5. EU member
  6. time zone
  7. The present time
  8. Currency information
  9. Network service provider
  10. Proxy
  11. TOR

What is ipapi used for?

ipapi can help you target each audience and adjust your website based on each of them.

Personalize content - Suppose you want to introduce special deals, special content for people in New York and Florida? ipapi will automatically change the content on the website depending on the location of the visitor.

Language change - If the website supports multiple languages, it will be more convenient for users to automatically switch from the default language to the language they use, saving time compared to having to search for a language switch language.

Currency adjustment - Assuming a sales / service website, users do not need to exchange currency but ipapi will detect and display information for themselves.

Time zone detection - Time zones can cause some time problems, such as calendar events. Users do not need to change time zones because ipapi can detect the time zone where they live.

Blocking threats - Not all traffic is safe. ipapi can detect common signs of malicious traffic or automatically as a TOR or proxy user, preventing threats.

Start using ipapi for free

Go to the ipapi website, click Sign Up Free and select the Free package to register. When creating an account, you just need to fill in the basic information, then there will be a Quickstart page with quick instructions, including your API key (used to use ipapi).

Picture 1 of How will ipapi help you build smart websites?

Search options of ipapi

The Quickstart page explains the three methods ipapi uses:

  1. Standard Lookup - the usual way to find data from an IP address.
  2. Bulk Lookup - find data from multiple IPs at the same time.
  3. Origin Lookup - find data for IP to create API requests.

All API requests start with the basic URL

You just need to add the IP address you want to find behind, along with the access key. For example:

Then, the results page will appear.

The free package allows searching 10,000 IP addresses per month, only location data and no time limits, very suitable for small websites that want to try this service. ipapi also has other packages, Standard $ 10 / month or Business $ 50 / month to find more. Annual payment will be reduced by 20%.

See more:

  1. How to check website IP address / domain name
  2. Link this website to friends, you will know their address via the computer's IP
  3. About IPv6 address
Update 24 May 2019


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