How to use FPT.AI Speech reads text like Google

FPT.AI Speech is FPT's new Text to speech technology similar to Google, when converting text into speech.

Text to speech text-to-speech technology has long been familiar to users, as Google is now becoming the most popular reader. And recently, FPT has launched new technology FPT.AI Speech, with features similar to Google but with more useful options.

Accordingly, users can choose the voice of the North, Central and South with the Northern female voice (Thu Dung), the North of the North (Cao Chung), the North of the South (Le Minh) and the Southern female voice (Ha Tieu Mai), Central female voice (Ngoc Lam). The voices are much more natural, automatically interrupting when reading long sentences or when there are punctuation marks, combined with intonation if desired. The following article will guide you how to use FPT.AI Speech.

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Instructions for using FPT.AI Speech online

Step 1:

Users access the link below to visit FPT.AI Speech homepage.


The white frame is used to enter the text of the text you want to switch to. Below select the voice area you want to use, then select the reading speed .

How to use FPT.AI Speech reads text like Google Picture 1How to use FPT.AI Speech reads text like Google Picture 1

Step 2:

Next, check the box Add the intonation to the question if you want. Click Text Analysis .

How to use FPT.AI Speech reads text like Google Picture 2How to use FPT.AI Speech reads text like Google Picture 2

Step 3:

Then we need to answer the confirmation question as shown below. The questions will constantly change after the times you want to analyze the text.

How to use FPT.AI Speech reads text like Google Picture 3How to use FPT.AI Speech reads text like Google Picture 3

Finally, the text will be read by the voice itself according to the area selected by the user. Text reading time is displayed right in the interface.

How to use FPT.AI Speech reads text like Google Picture 4How to use FPT.AI Speech reads text like Google Picture 4

See more:

  1. How to translate Vietnamese via images on Google Translate
  2. How to translate web pages on Google Translate
  3. Chinese translation applications on quality phones

I wish you all success!

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