How to Uninstall Immunet 3.0
Did you just encounter some problem(s) like the Immunet 3.0's uninstaller just hang out there when you were trying to automatically uninstall it from your current Windows Operating System? The below manual steps will guide you through the...
Method 1 of 2:
Standard Uninstallation Process
- Click the Start, the Settings if you're running a 32-bit Windows XP SP3 machine; and then the Control Panel.
- Visit the Uninstall a program or the Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. For XP users, you click the Remove or Remove/Change button behind the unwanted lightweight antivirus software, and then follow or review the related steps above to complete the automatic uninstall of the program. And for Vista/7 users, you highlight and launch it from the Uninstall or change a program. Follow or review related steps above to finish the rest of the uninstall process.
Method 2 of 2:
Additional Steps (advanced)
Note: To free up some more hard drive space and maintenance Windows Registry Editor, you need to find and clean out those unwanted traces of Immunet left in your system.
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