Steps to Uninstall Bitdefender on Windows
Boasting premium features for both free and paid versions, Bitdefender is one of the best antivirus tools available and has become one of the most popular consumer solutions available today. .
However, users of this highly rated software at some point may want to remove the software from their PC, be it because their subscription has expired or because they are looking to try a different antivirus provider. to replace.
While uninstalling Bitdefender is easy, not doing so in the recommended manner outlined below may result in unwanted files remaining on your machine, resulting in problems installing a program. other viruses.
Follow TipsMake 's instructions and the whole process should take no more than 10 minutes.
How to Uninstall Bitdefender on Windows
Step 1. First, click Start , then click Settings. Then click the Apps icon on the left panel.
Steps to Uninstall Bitdefender on Windows Picture 1
Step 2. Find the Bitdefender product you want to remove and select Uninstall. Click Uninstall again to confirm your choice. If the Windows user account control prompt is displayed as above, select Yes.
Steps to Uninstall Bitdefender on Windows Picture 2
Step 3. Uncheck the box if you don't like filling out the Bitdefender survey, then click Remove and click Next to continue.
Steps to Uninstall Bitdefender on Windows Picture 3
Step 4. Wait for the uninstallation to complete.
Steps to Uninstall Bitdefender on Windows Picture 4
Step 5. If you have finished uninstalling all the Bitdefender programs that you want to remove, click Restart device to restart the system.
Steps to Uninstall Bitdefender on Windows Picture 5
However, if there are still other Bitdefender programs on your system, such as Bitdefender Agent or Bitdefender VPN that you want to remove, click close and repeat the above steps for the rest of the programs. It should be noted that you need to uninstall Bitdefender VPN before you can uninstall Bitdefender Agent.
If you are looking to completely remove the program and all its associated files and settings, Bitdefender recommends using its own uninstallation tools in the final step.
Step 6. Go to Bitdefender's website and select the type of Bitdefender program you are trying to uninstall: Paid or Trial version. Then select the uninstall tool corresponding to your Bitdefender version, download and run it. If the Windows UAC prompt is displayed, select Yes.
Steps to Uninstall Bitdefender on Windows Picture 6
Step 7. Confirm that you want to uninstall. Finally, click Restart to complete the process.
Steps to Uninstall Bitdefender on Windows Picture 7
Work completed! Bitdefender is now completely removed from your system.
You should read it
- How to Uninstall Bitdefender Safepay
- How to Uninstall Bitdefender Total Security 2012
- How to Download and Install Bitdefender on Windows
- Download Bitdefender Antivirus Free 2020. Effective protection tool against viruses
- Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition Review: Compact, full-featured
- Compare Microsoft Defender and Bitdefender
- How to activate Bitdefender Total Security 2018 license for 6 months
- How to use the Bitdefender Adware Removal Tool to remove adware on Windows
- How to use Bitdefender TrafficLight to check web safely on Firefox
- Norton or Bitdefender is the better PC protection solution?
- Free 6 month license for Bitdefender Internet Security 2019
- Officially launched BitDefender 2011 security software
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