How to treat some diseases of the feet

Your feet often suffer a lot of impact but receive very little attention and as a result we face a lot of foot problems.

Your feet often suffer a lot of impact but receive very little attention and as a result we have to face a lot of foot problems such as calluses, warts, heel pain,.

Picture 1 of How to treat some diseases of the feet
How to treat some diseases of the feet

Here's how to treat some diseases of the feet



Calluses on the legs are caused by thick, hard layers of dead skin that surround a nucleus and have nerves underneath. They are formed from pressure and blistering caused by improper footwear, flat foot gait, foot deformities, or structural problems in the foot.

To prevent calluses, wear shoes and socks that fit your feet so they don't scratch your feet; Avoid wearing high heels, or any shoes that make you uncomfortable and cause foot pain.

To get rid of calluses, soak your feet in warm water until the calluses are soft, then gently rub the calluses with a stone. Do this a few times and it will go away.

Use a gauze pad or gauze pad to cover the bottle and place a layer of sweatproof paper when wearing shoes.

The calluses pads contain salicylic acid, so they must be used with care to avoid burns.

If you have diabetes or circulatory problems, see your doctor for instructions on how to treat calluses.


Interstitial inflammation of the toes, curled toes

Inflammation is caused by a deformity of the big toe joint, causing swelling and pain when walking. Small swellings may appear at the fifth vertebra and the joints of the remaining toes.

Hook toe is a deformity of the foot joints, usually occurring in one of the three middle toes and in which the toe is bent like a claw, causing pain and impeding walking.

Women are more likely to have these problems because they often wear tight, narrow, high-soled shoes because gravity is placed on the instep of the foot instead of the heel.

If you have inflammation and crooked feet, wear low-heeled shoes and sandals to keep your feet dry. Inflammation and painful hook toes require medical treatment, sometimes even surgery.


Toenails grow inward

The toenails grow inward while the tip is cut deep and fleshy. Tight shoes and socks are also to blame for this abnormal growth.

To treat this condition, soak your feet in warm water to soften the nails and put some wet cotton under the nail to prevent cutting into the flesh. Continue doing this until the nail grows normally. Wear sandals or shoes with lots of ventilation holes.

If the area is red, swollen and infected, then medication or minor surgery to cut to the bottom to create a new nail or use laser method.

It is not correct to cut the nails in a "V" shape that will cure or prevent the nail from growing inward. It is not correct to cut the toenail straight, not to create arcs and not to cut too close. Fix the corners of the toenails with a file after trimming.


Mysterious rice clumps

These are "foreign objects" that often appear on the soles of the feet. These warts are flat and light in color. They are caused by a virus and are difficult to spread. If it's a small, painless wart, just ignore it, as they will go away on their own in a year or two at most.

If it's a painful wart, use a wart medication. These medications often contain salicylic acid, so read the instructions carefully to avoid burns.


Fungal infections

To prevent the fungus from causing itching, keep your feet clean and dry, especially in the hot summer.

Both the foot and between the toes should be kept dry at all times. Avoid shoes that are too tight, air tight, and wet socks. Go barefoot and sandals when you get the chance.

If wearing shoes, choose socks that absorb sweat. Dry your shoes, don't wear the same shoes day in and day out. Adding less antiperspirant and anti-fungal is also a way to keep your feet dry.


Heel pain

Heel pain when you put weight on one or both heels when you wake up or stand up after a long period of sitting. The pain usually subsides after you've been walking for about an hour.

Wear high heels or thin soles; Participating in sports too hard, exercising too hard with inappropriate shoes. are also factors that cause foot pain. Neuralgia, arthritis, and tendinitis also cause heel pain because they can cause leg fractures. Diabetes and other illnesses can also cause heel pain.

The best treatment is to reduce exercises and give your legs maximum rest. To relieve foot pain, apply ice 3 to 4 times a day for about 20 minutes each time.

You can also apply a silicone perspiration insole from drug stores to your shoes. Avoid wearing shoes with very thin or high soles. Please participate in sports that do not put too much force on the heels such as cycling, swimming.



If the blisters are small, you don't need to worry. Just keep the blister area clean. You can also make small holes in the absorbent paper to reduce the friction of the blisters.

If the blister breaks, wash it with soap and water. Then use gauze bandage. It will go away very quickly.

But if the blister rupture is large and painful, do the following: Clean the blister, then use a sterilized needle by holding it in a flame, then let it cool, and pierce the blister. Gently apply ointment and cover with sterile gauze. If you have any signs of an infection, such as redness, swelling, see your doctor right away.

Update 08 May 2023


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