Note: The rule is that the ROUND function's rounding number is rounded off to less than 5, then rounding down. The part rounded to greater than or equal to 5 is rounded up.
If you want to round the whole decimal part when calculating in Excel software, Num_ditgits will be 0. With the above table example, when you calculate VAT, you use the additional ROUND function as follows: = ROUND (C5 * 0.1, 0).
If you want to round the thousandth, with the same ROUND formula, you change the value of Num_ditgits = - 3. So if the odd amount is less than VND 500, then round to zero. then round to 1000.
The same goes for other cases if you want to round the millionth, million in macro reports.
Some currencies use the whole decimal part to represent value, typically the US Dollar is calculated into Cent.
For example, we have the conversion table from VND to USD as follows:
To ask you to round up to two decimal places of USD, you use the ROUND function with Num_ditgits = 2. And the result is as follows:
Good luck!