How to measure the alcohol content with a smartphone

With the guide to measuring the alcohol content with your phone on this smartphone, you will know what is the indicator of alcohol concentration in the blood.

The penalty level under Decree 100 states that if the blood or breath contains alcohol but does not exceed 50mg / 100ml of blood or 0.25ml / 1 liter of breath, the person who uses alcohol will be fined at least 2 million. copper.

But if you want to measure the alcohol content, you only have to use an alcohol meter to know if the amount of alcohol you've drunk has reached a fine or not. In the absence of an alcohol meter, you can use the smartphone alcohol meter below this article to find out what your blood alcohol level is.

Instructions for measuring the alcohol content on a smartphone

Step 1: Visit the link for measuring alcohol content on the phone below.

Link measuring alcohol content

Then, write down information such as: Sex, age, weight, height, drinks including beer / wine, brewer / wine, drinking capacity is the number of glasses / can, finally, how long it takes to drink and click Measure.

Picture 1 of How to measure the alcohol content with a smartphone

For beer there will be some brands available, while some brands may not have volume, you can see the volume on the can. With alcohol, you will be able to choose the volume number by the glass and choose the number of glasses and record the drinking time.

Picture 2 of How to measure the alcohol content with a smartphone

The result shown below will be the amount of alcohol / beer consumed and left in the body. What is the alcohol content in the blood? Time out of blood alcohol concentration, indicating vomiting or not vomiting.

Picture 3 of How to measure the alcohol content with a smartphone

Note that these figures are only calculated based on the alcohol content, the volume of beer / wine consumed and how long the drink has been. It may not be 100% accurate but it also tells you if your blood alcohol level allows you to sit behind the wheel.

If you want to know the most accurate, then equipped with a portable alcohol meter and blow into it a little. You will immediately know whether the blood alcohol level is enough to set up a minimum penalty or not, but it is best to "Drink alcohol, do not drive".

Picture 4 of How to measure the alcohol content with a smartphone

So with just a few simple steps, you can know what your blood alcohol level is and you can share it with your friends and family members.

See more:

  1. How to use iThong application to look up traffic fines
  2. How to look for flood spots in Ho Chi Minh City on the phone
Update 05 February 2020


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