How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11

This guide will show you how to install or uninstall the Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget for Game Bar for your account in Windows 11.

This guide will show you how to install or uninstall the Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget for Game Bar for your account in Windows 11.

What is Microsoft Edge Game Assist?

Microsoft Edge Game Assist (Preview) is the first in-game browser that delivers a rich, game-centric browsing experience—including access to browser data from PCs and mobile devices.

Game Assist is a special version of Microsoft Edge optimized for PC games that can appear on top of your game in the Game Bar. It recognizes the game and will suggest tips and tutorials for what you're playing. It also shares the same browser data as Edge on PC, so the information you care about is always accessible while you play—including your favorites, history, cookies, form fills, and more. This means you don't have to log in to websites again and have easy access to what you care about.

You can even quickly access your favorite services like Discord, Twitch, Spotify, or any other page or website in the sidebar. And, like other Game Bar widgets, you can pin Game Assist above your game so you can consult guides or watch videos while you play.

Game Assist (Preview) is accessed through the Game Bar, a game overlay that lets you use in-game widgets including Xbox Social to connect with friends and track your achievements, Spotify, Teams, and game widgets to capture screenshots and game clips, tweak audio settings, and monitor system performance.


With Edge Stable release 132, Game Assist is available without any Insider software or changing the default browser, making it easier to use on your gaming PC.

Install the "Microsoft Edge Game Assist" widget from Microsoft Edge

1. Open Microsoft Edge.

2. Click on the 3 dots Setting and more button ( Alt + F ) and tap on Settings .

How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 1How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 1

3. Click Appearance in the left pane.

Note : If you don't see the left pane, click the 3 horizontal bars menu button in the upper left OR expand the horizontal border of the Microsoft Edge window until you see it.


4. Click the Install widget button for Game Assist (Preview) .

How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 2How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 2

5. Once installed, you can click Open to open the "Microsoft Edge Game Assist" widget in the Game Bar.

How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 3How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 3

6. Now, you can close the Settings tab if you want.

Uninstall the "Microsoft Edge Game Assist" widget from the Game Bar

1. Open Game Bar ( Win + G ).

2. Click the Widget Menu button on the Home Bar and tap Widget Store .

How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 4How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 4


3. Follow these steps in the Widget Store :

  1. Click the INSTALLED tab .
  2. Under "ALL INSTALLED", click the More options button (3 dots) for the "Microsoft Edge Game Assist" widget.
  3. Click Uninstall .

How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 5How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 5

4. Click YES, I'M SURE to confirm.

How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 6How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 6

5. Once the widget has finished uninstalling, you can close ( X ) the Widget Store.

How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 7How to install/uninstall Microsoft Edge Game Assist widget on Windows 11 Picture 7

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