Signature Signature to be inserted.
5. When ready to send the email, click SEND. Your email will be sent.
The way to create a signature in Outlook below can be applied to Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 versions.
To add a signature to emails in Outlook, follow these steps:
Step 1: Click Home on the toolbar.
Step 2: Click New Email in the top left corner of the screen.
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 3
Step 3: A new mailbox appears, click Message and select Signature in the Include section .
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 4
Step 4: In Email signature , click New .
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 5
Step 5: In the Type a name for this signature section , enter the name of the signature.
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 6
Step 6: Click OK
Step 7: On the next screen, highlight the signature name in the Select Signature to Edit section .
Step 8: In the large blank box below Edit Signaute, enter your name, title, company name, email address, social network information or other personal information you want to appear in the new signature.
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 7
Step 9: Add a custom image such as a company logo, determine the location where you want to insert the image and click the Insert picture icon .
Step 10: Select the image in your computer's file browser and select Insert .
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 8
Step 11: To insert the website link into the image or logo, or any text in your signature. First, highlight the image or text you want to insert.
Step 12: With the image selected, click the Insert Hyperlink icon .
Step 13: A new window appears, enter the full URL of the website in the last box. Then press OK .
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 9
Step 14: Set customizations for New messages and Replies/Forward .
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 10
Step 15: After setting up, press the Save button below.
Step 16: Finally, select OK in the Signatures and Stationary box to save the changes.
When you open a new mailbox, reply, or other forward, the signature automatically appears at the bottom of the page.
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 11
1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of Outlook 365.
2. Enter 'signature' in the search box at the top of the Settings panel.
3. Select the "Email signature" result .
4. Create a new signature using the in-app signature editor.
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 12
5. Click 'Save' when you're done.
1. Start your Outlook mobile app on Android or iOS.
2. Tap your account image in the top left corner.
3. Tap the gear icon at the bottom left to open Outlook settings.
4. Click Signature to open the signature settings.
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 13
5. Enter your information in an organized manner.
6. Tap the check mark at the top right to complete setup.
So you have finished creating a signature in Outlook. You can add many different signatures to use for different partners with the same operations as above.
Whether you're using the desktop version of Outlook or, it's easy to update your signature. Here's how to change the signature in Outlook:
If you're using Outlook for Windows:
If you're using Outlook for Mac:
1. Open Outlook and go to the Preferences menu.
2. Click the Signatures tab and then select the signature you want to edit under signature name.
3. Click Edit and make your changes
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 14
4. Click the Save icon to save your changes and then close the window.
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 15
1. Sign in to your Outlook account and click the gear icon in the upper right corner.
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 16
2. Select View all Outlook settings from the drop-down menu.
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 17
3. Click Email in the left sidebar, then click Compose and Reply .
How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional Picture 18
4. Under Signature , enter changes to your signature in the text box provided.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save to save your changes.
Updating your signature in Outlook is a quick and easy process that takes only a few minutes to complete. Whether you're using the desktop version,, or Outlook on the web, you can easily update your signature to reflect any changes.