How to concatenate strings in Excel

How to concatenate strings in Excel. When working with strings in Excel, you will probably need to join strings together at a time. If you do not know how to concatenate strings in Excel, then let's refer to the ways of joining strings in Excel that the article ch

When working with strings in Excel, you will probably need to join strings together at a time. If you do not know how to concatenate strings in Excel, then you should refer to the ways of joining strings in Excel that the article shares below.

How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 1How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 1

The following article shows you two ways to concatenate strings in Excel: using the & operator and concatenating strings using the CONCATENATE function.

Method 1: Concatenate strings using the & operator

How to use the & operator to concatenate strings, you can enter the text directly as follows:

= "TipsMake" & ". vn"

Your results will be:

How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 2How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 2

You can also concatenate strings in reference cells that contain the following string:

= C8 & D8 & E8

How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 3How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 3

In addition, you can append spaces to text strings, for example:

= C8 & "" & D8 & "" & E8

How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 4How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 4

Or you can add special characters to the string as follows:

= B6 & "@" & ""

How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 5How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 5

Method 2: Concatenate strings using the CONCATENATE function

The CONCATENATE function is a concatenated function in Excel, let's learn how to concatenate using the CONCATENATE function below.


= CONCATENATE (text1, [text2], .)

Where: text1 is a required argument, is the first string to be paired, it can be text values, numbers or cell references.

text2 is an optional argument, being the second string to pair can have up to 255 entries (8192 characters).


  1. Strings are text, special characters, dates, etc., you need to enclose them in quotes, '' if the number is not in quotation marks.

For example

  1. Use the CONCATENATE function to concatenate text strings and numbers.

How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 6How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 6

  1. Use the CONCATENATE function to concatenate strings with cell references

How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 7How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 7

  1. Use the CONCATENATE function to concatenate strings and add spaces between concatenated strings.

How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 8How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 8

  1. Use the CONCATENATE function to concatenate strings and add special characters to the string.

How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 9How to concatenate strings in Excel Picture 9

Above are the ways to concatenate strings in Excel that you can perform quickly. If you need to concatenate strings in Excel, you can choose one of two ways that the article guides to concatenate strings. Good luck!

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