Hiring or Freelance: Which is better?

Are you considering a job change? Then let's learn with TipsMake.com.com about the pros and cons of self-employment and freelance to make a more accurate decision!

Are you considering a job change? Then let's learn with TipsMake about the pros and cons of self-employment and freelance to make a more accurate decision!

Picture 1 of Hiring or Freelance: Which is better?

Advantages of hiring

Get a fixed monthly salary

The most obvious benefit of being hired over freelance or freelance work is financial security. A fixed salary per month gives you partial peace of mind about a guaranteed, financially predictable future. Even if the company doesn't make a profit, you still get paid.

Budgeting made easy

Since your income is fixed and predictable, budgeting for the family should be easy. You can divide your income into sections according to specific purposes such as needs, wants, savings, investments, and urgency. In other words, you can plan your life without encountering unexpected situations.

Benefits and perks

Another great benefit of working as an employee is the benefits and perks of working under state regulations. Such as paid vacations, reimbursements, benefits, leave, health insurance, retirement plans and pensions, etc. These benefits can be an incentive for employees to want to stay with the company.


Consistent growth

Depending on how you see it, consistent growth can be either a plus or a downside. But for most people, knowing that they will receive a stable salary increase as prescribed is enough motivation and peace of mind to maintain a paid job.

Develop social skills

Improving social skills is an advantage when you work because you are constantly in contact with colleagues. It can be stressful but it can also be fun to help you increase your EQ and improve your communication skills day by day.

Disadvantages of Hiring

Fixed working hours

Perhaps one of the most uncomfortable things about hiring is the way it controls your entire schedule. You must adhere to fixed working hours.

Unless your boss allows you to work flexible hours, your job will greatly affect your daily activities. In other words, you don't have full control over the length of the workday.

Fixed salary and slow increase

Negotiating a level in an interview, and then having to stick with it for years, is certainly not an enjoyable experience. Although a stable income ensures life, it often makes you depressed.

Limiting growth or having to wait a year for a raise are not pleasant experiences. Moreover, you have to meet many requirements to achieve that.

Have to go to work at the office

This takes your time, energy and money. If the job gives you a good income, then this is not a problem. On the contrary, if you work far away and the salary is low, you will spend money on gas as well as health when traveling long distances. In addition, there is less time for family.

Two other disadvantages of working remotely are having to comply with company regulations and being managed by others.

Advantages of working as a freelancer

Picture 2 of Hiring or Freelance: Which is better?


Flexible time

Freelance or freelancer, you are not bound by working time. You are in complete control of your daily schedule to get the most out of it. This is extremely useful for those who are students, housewives or not early morning people.

Save time

Since there is no need to travel from home to work and vice versa, you can save a lot of time each month. So you are free to spend that time with loved ones, take on more projects, participate in volunteer work or simply relax and have fun.

Income control

While a steady income is obvious to an employee, control of the income remains with the employer. But if you do it for free, it's different. You have complete control over your income and freedom to make decisions. You can set a freelancer price through market survey and self-assessment.

You keep all the profits earned

When you are a freelancer, you are selling services directly to customers, without the need for middlemen. That means all income is generated from your labor so you are free to keep it, not share with anyone.

Work according to individual principles

Perhaps the most liberating thing about being a freelancer is being able to work by your own rules. You do not need to follow the policies set forth by your employer. You have the right to create and write rules, and then discuss them with your partner for the best deal.

Disadvantages of Freelancing

Unstable income

Freelancers do not have the same level of financial security as employees, simply because their income is not guaranteed. You get paid for the work, not the time. This makes budgeting harder and can involve taking a lot of risks.

Unstable workload

As an employee, you know what to do, the workflow is relatively stable and predictable. However, that's not true when it comes to freelancing. You can be overwhelmed with work for a month but then have to try to find the next project.

You need to put a lot of effort into building trust with potential partners to have a stable income.

Self-pressure for work

When working as a freelancer, you are your own boss, so you have to solve the cost problem yourself. There is no manager or accountant to do that, so you have to take the time to complete it before taking on a new project. In addition, leisure time can also be interrupted by a partner who can call at any time. So be sure to create a reasonable schedule to avoid this.

Another disadvantage of being a freelancer is that you have no partners, no colleagues, lack of social interaction, so sometimes you will feel lonely. In addition, as a freelancer you also have to take on more responsibilities. For example, if you work as a freelance editor, writing is only part of the job. You are also responsible for marketing, IT, customer response, accounting, administration, and procurement of necessary materials and resources.


In short, hired or freelance is your choice . There is a distinct difference between these two forms. Hope this article helps you to make the decision that is best for you.

Update 24 July 2023


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